SPARCRequest Wiki
20230412-Technical Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting: | SPARC OS Technical Committee |
Date: | 04/12/2023 |
Time: | 3:00 pm |
Iowa |
LA CaTS | Ying |
Children’s National |
Case Western |
OHSU | Erik and Imogen |
Stony Brook Medicine |
Standup Round for institutional updates
Louisiana Clinical & Translational Science Center:
SPARC v3.10.1 is live now.
Follow up from last meeting- Q: When will MUSC update to rails 6? A:No timeline yet
No update
3.4.0 SPARC Fulfillment - release pushed out, tentatively another 2 weeks
SPARCRelease 3.11.0 - Summer 2023
Oregon Health & Science University:
Has SPARC v3.10.1 to dev environment to begin testing its application.
Still interested in Your Cost reporting, which will be considered.
(SPARCDashboard) Ability to Restore Modified Rates Back to Price on Pricing Map
Follow up from OS Ops call 3/17/23 is for Tech group to discuss dev approaches to accomplish this. Will be an ongoing discussion.
During Tech call Erik emailed Brigette their current script for routinely removing modified rates (admin_rates)
SPARCCatalog And SPARC Admin - service appears in program in UI after being moved to Core in Catalog
Instead of submitting a PR, will add coding info to story for consideration of its applicability within SPARC.
Looking to migrate mass amounts of catalog services between programs and cores. Is there a best practice, script, etc. to do this? Past issue experienced with this story would be resolved with their fix but want to make sure their plan for a rake task to do this is acceptable. MUSC usually makes archives services and enters as a new service, but Brigette will also check internally for other process and get back to OHSU.
Follow up from last meeting:
Q: Looking to migrate mass amounts of catalog services between programs and cores. Is there a best practice, script, etc. to do this? A:
No established best practice for mass updates.
MUSC did a large # of service updates for a program, years ago and it was a complex process (also had to consider Fulfillment data) that needed to have several check points for data integrity.
As OHSU mentioned, their script fix on this story may handle the Admin Edits orphaned services. However, still consider split/notify hierarchy to make sure the correct provider gets those service req submission emails.
Recommendation is to use what’s supported in SPARC currently:
Inactive old service and create a new service under new program/core (is manual per service)
Use the Catalog feature to move services to a diff program or core (is manual per service)
If still desiring to use script for mass changes (e.g, for bigger priority to preserve all history with a service with the change), do incrementally for migration & data checks along the way, as well as report checks that request #s and data appears correctly.
Still looking for ‘your_cost’ field, how it gets calculated
Will follow up with Imogen with code
OHSU is working on testing 3.10.1
Having users test in dev environment
not in attendance
Case Western
No new SPARC updates
Children’s National
not in attendance
Stony Brook:
not in attendance
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