SPARCRequest Wiki
20230830-Technical Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting: | SPARC OS Technical Committee |
Date: | 08/30/2023 |
Time: | 2:00 pm - 2:32 pm |
MUSC | Brigette, Greg |
Iowa |
LA CaTS | Ying |
Children’s National |
Case Western | Jeremy, Hadrian |
OHSU | Imogen |
Stony Brook Medicine |
Morehouse | Helen, Ruvina |
Standup Round for institutional updates
Louisiana Clinical & Translational Science Center:
not in attendance
(SPARCRequest) Add Unsubmitted Notice for Draft Requests. Will the whole feature be offered as configurable to turn on/off?
will be able to turn on / off with configuration
Considering updating language on homepage to match other CTSA sites regarding grants
Release tags for SPARC v3.11.0, Fulfillment V3.4.0 & 3.4.1 all on github
Working on forms bug story for a SPARC v3.11.1 release
RMID v1.6.0 is next release, tentative 8/31
RMID v1.6.0 is next release, planned for 8/31. See drafted release notes.
Working on SPARC v.3.11.1 mini release for forms data
SPARCRequest v3.12.0 - stories still being planned & date TBD (before end of year)
LA CaTS contribution - (SPARCRequest) Add Unsubmitted Notice for Draft Requests. Will the whole feature be offered as configurable to turn on/off?
Stories for Governance review and approval will go out this week.
Oregon Health & Science University:
Considering best way to include IRB closure dates for studies not following usual IRB review process. This may require adding a new SPARC date field. Will think about more and potentially propose at a future OS Governance call.
Noted SPARC reports don’t include parameters to prevent users from entering in a start date after an end date. After further tests, realized it was not programmed in their institutional reports. They will work to include those parameters.
not in attendance
not in attendance
not in attendance
Case Western
They have a new person replacing Mike. Jeremy will remain as the contact for now but will send over the new person’s name for adding to the Governance and Tech calls.
Running Redhat Linux 7 which is end of life soon. Getting new production server setup with supported software. Planning to upgrade SPARC once upgraded server is ready.
Introduced Hadrian as a new OS member
Children’s National
not in attendance
not in attendance
Stony Brook:
not in attendance
not in attendance
Still working on SPARC implementation. Call with MUSC on Thrs to go through the Apache server update and finish SSO login access.
Active Directory on SPARC server. Anyone on Morehouse network can now access SPARC
Have to sign in twice bug? - May be fixed. MUSC remained on the call to help troubleshoot this issue and putting links on SPARC homepage service descriptions.
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