Governance Structure & Communication Plan

SPARCRequest Wiki

Governance Structure & Communication Plan

Governance Structure


Steering Committee Members:

Royce Sampson, Leslie Lenert, Jihad Obeid, Andrew Cates, Leila Forney, Brigette White

Boyd Knosp

Brian Melancon

Hiroki  Morizono

Kitt Swartz

Technical Subcommittee Members:

Andrew Cates, Greg Mathias, Brigette White

Chris Ortman, Samantha Wolstencroft

Ying Wu

Hiroki Morizono

Jeremy Fondran, Hadrian Djohari

Erik Benton, Imogen Bentley

Melanie Keister, Xin Wang


Karunamuni Silva

Operational Subcommittee Members:

Royce Sampson, Leila Forney, Brigette White, Jillian Harvey, Rechelle Paranal

Nic Francisco

Brian Melancon

Hiroki Morizono

Jeremy Fondran, Hadrian Djohari

Kitt Swartz, Imogen Bentley, Alina Dunbar, Kimberly Cook

Melanie Keister, Rodrigo Valles


Helen Tyree

Communication Plan

Lead by the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) SPARC Team, the Open Source Subcommittees are direct conduits for community members to collaborate and share product knowledge. Meetings are designed to afford each member the opportunity to discuss their product activities, concerns and ideas to advance functions, while receiving input and guidance from other members as needed. The community is also encouraged to contact the MUSC SPARC team at sparcrequest@musc.edu with questions and for additional support.

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