SPARCRequest Wiki
SPARCRequest Version 3.9.0 & SPARCFulfillment Version 3.3.0
MUSC Release Date: 1/4/2022 OS Release Date: 1/24/2022
Page Index:
- 1 SPARCRequest Version 3.9.0 New Features
- 1.1 1. (SPARCRequest) Epic Research Services Moved to BMIC
- 1.2 2. (SPARCRequest) Nexus Protocol Amendment Service to Move to Different Split/Notify
- 1.3 3. (SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard) Investigational Products Information Label Update
- 1.4 4. (SPARCRequest Step 3) Default Billing Designation Bug Fix
- 1.5 5. (SPARCRequest Step 4 and SPARCDashboard) Document Upload Time Sorting Bug
- 1.6 6. (SPARCRequest) Step 5 System Satisfaction Survey Multi-Click Bug Fix
- 1.7 7. (SPARCRequest and SPARCDashboard) .doc Formatted Documents Bug Fix (OHSU Contribution)
- 1.8 8. (SPARCDashboard) New “All Protocol“ Search Filter for Admin Users
- 1.9 9. (SPARCDashboard) RMID Filter Bug Fix
- 1.10 10. (SPARCDashboard) Edit Authorized User Bug (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.11 11. (SPARCDashboard Admin Edit) Updated Column Header Label in Admin Edit
- 1.12 12. (SPARCDashboard Admin Edit) Disable Service Selection Dropdown When Fulfillment Exists
- 1.13 13. (SPARCDashboard) Protocol Merge Service Request Draft Status Bug Fix (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.14 14. (SPARCDashboard) New Fee Agreement Report (OHSU Contribution)
- 1.15 15. (SPARCDashboard) Inconsistency Bug Fix with Admin Approvals Checkboxes
- 1.16 16. (SPARCDashboard Admin Edit) Add Non-clinical Service Bug Fix
- 1.17 17. (SPARCDashboard Admin Edit Section) New "Modified Rate" History Tab Added
- 1.18 18. SPARCDashboard and SPARCRequest Logo Bug (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.19 19. (SPARCDashboard and SPARCReport) New Email Added to Authorized Users At Protocol Merges (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.20 20. (SPARCDashboard) Epic Queue Current and Protocol Update Pages Sorting Bug Fix
- 1.21 21. (SPARCAdmin) New Permissible values Tab (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.22 22. (SPARCAdmin) New Settings Tab (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.23 23. (SPARCAdmin) New Users Tab (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.24 24. (SPARCCatalog) Inactive Organization Indicator Added on Organization Dropdown
- 1.25 25. (SPARCCatalog) General Information Program Dropdown Bug Fix
- 1.26 26. (SPARCFunding, SPARCDashboard, and SPARCForms) More Date Sorting Bug Fix (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.27 27. (SPARCFunding) Documents Assign Organization Bug (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.28 28. (SPARCFunding) Bug Fix: Exception occurs when a funding organization does not have access to any uploaded (pre)application documents (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.29 29. (SPARCReport) New Modified Rate Report
- 1.30 30. (SPARCReport) Default Date Range Related Bug Fix (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.31 31. (SPARCReport) Remove PD/PI from the Unique PI Report Query For Consistency
- 1.32 32. (SPARC Emails) Bug Fix: Study Information Display for not Funded Studies (LA CATS Contribution)
- 1.33 33. (SPARC/OnCore API) Adding MUSC as Institution with Protocol Creation
- 1.34 34. (SPARC/OnCore API) Silent Error Fix: Minimal Footprint API 500 Error when PI doesn't Exist in OnCore
- 1.35 35. (SPARC/OnCore Minimal Footprint API) Update Short Title Rule to be Consistent with SPARC/Epic Interface
- 1.36 36. (SPARC/OnCore) Bug Fix: Last Push Date Sorting Bug in OnCore Push Log
- 1.37 37. (eIRB/RMID/SPARC API) Filter out Special Characters
- 1.38 38. (SPARCRequest and Living Biobank Interface) Ability to Bring in External PI Identities from Living Biobank API
- 1.39 39. (SPARC-data) Remove Service_requests.approved column
- 1.40 40. (SPARC Script) Update Data Refresh Script to Omit API Data
- 1.41 41. (SPARC Script) update_hb_services.rake Enhancements
- 1.42 42. (SPARC Specs) Add Testing Coverage for fulfillment_contingent_on_catalog_manager Setting
- 1.43 43. (SPARC Specs) Add Spec Coverage for Move Visit Functionalities
- 1.44 44. (SPARC - Security) GitHub Security Alerts (LA CaTS Contribution)
- 2 SPARCRequest Rake Tasks and Setting Changes
- 2.1 1. Run rake data:import_settings to add new settings
- 2.2 2. Set oncore_default_institution in Settings to "Medical University of South Carolina"
- 2.3 3. Set oncore_default_pi_role in Settings to "Principal Investigator"
- 2.4 4. Run refresh_hospital_service_relations rake task with final csv file from story #175767593 (MUSC Only)
- 2.5 5. Run fix_duplicate_responses.rake to remove duplicative survey responses due to multi-click bug
- 3 SPARCFulfillment Version 3.3.0 New Features
- 3.1 1. (SPARCFulfillment) Framework Updates
- 3.2 2. (SPARCFulfillment) Re-work sync functionality
- 3.3 3. (SPARCFulfillment) Table Overflow Bug Fix
- 3.4 4. (SPARCFulfillment) Bug Fix: Participant Report inside a Request should only pull listed Participants
- 3.5 5. (SPARCFulfillment) Bug Fix: Audit Report Not Displaying Created Non-clinical Line Items from Synchronization
- 3.6 6. (SPARCFulfillment) Bug Fix: Klok-imported Fulfillments missing Funding Source logic
- 3.7 7. (SPARCFulfillment) Visit Day Missing Validation Bug Fix
- 3.8 8. (SPARCFulfillment) Invoice Report Patient ID Bug Fix (Iowa Contribution)
- 4 SPARCFulfillment Rake Tasks and Setting Changes
- 5 List of Programming Changes with Links to GitHub
SPARCRequest Version 3.9.0 New Features
1. (SPARCRequest) Epic Research Services Moved to BMIC
The Epic Research program and its services have been moved from SCTR to be underneath the Biomedical Informatics Center (BMIC) organization for better alignment.
2. (SPARCRequest) Nexus Protocol Amendment Service to Move to Different Split/Notify
The Nexus Protocol Amendment Service has been moved to its own Organization underneath the South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute (SCTR), for better managing the intake of protocol amendments.
3. (SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard) Investigational Products Information Label Update
In this release, the “Exemption Type” label, within the Research Involving section within SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard Protocol Information Page, has been updated to “Device Exemption Type” for more clarity.
Previous | Current |
4. (SPARCRequest Step 3) Default Billing Designation Bug Fix
There was a previous bug where the Default Billing type was not consistently applied to Research Coverage (R) or Third Party (Insurance) Coverage (T), as shown in the screenshot below. This bug has since been fixed and the billing designation default is working again as intended.
5. (SPARCRequest Step 4 and SPARCDashboard) Document Upload Time Sorting Bug
A previous bug existed when attempting to sort the “Uploaded” column in the Documents table. This bug has since been fixed allowing the corresponding sorting feature to function correctly.
Previous Bug | Current |
6. (SPARCRequest) Step 5 System Satisfaction Survey Multi-Click Bug Fix
A previous bug caused satisfaction survey responses to duplicate within the Survey Responses Report (as shown in the screenshot below). In this release, this bug has been fixed with only one response per submission.
7. (SPARCRequest and SPARCDashboard) .doc Formatted Documents Bug Fix (OHSU Contribution)
A previous error occurred when opening documents that were downloaded from SPARCRequest. This issue was caused by the browser (via Paperclip feature) altering the file extension of the Word documents to .docx. In this release, the Paperclip feature was disabled fixing the issue.
8. (SPARCDashboard) New “All Protocol“ Search Filter for Admin Users
There was a previous access loophole where administrative users were unable to truly search All Protocols (i.e protocols where they were not an admin or authorized user on) or Request Access to protocols where they were not providing services. In this release, Admin users are now able to search All Protocols and Request Access to protocols for which they do not have access.
9. (SPARCDashboard) RMID Filter Bug Fix
A previous bug occurred when searching for a specific group of RMIDs and the returned protocol records did not contain the RMID within the search. This bug has since been fixed.
Previous Bug | |
10. (SPARCDashboard) Edit Authorized User Bug (LA CATS Contribution)
A previous bug occurred when an overlord user tried to edit themselves in the Authorized Users Table in SPARCDashboard. After making edits to the user, the modal would not close (as shown in screenshot below). In this release, this bug has been fixed.
11. (SPARCDashboard Admin Edit) Updated Column Header Label in Admin Edit
The label for the Fulfillment column in the Admin Edit section header was changed from “Fulfillment” to “SPARCFulfillment” for better navigation and consistency.
12. (SPARCDashboard Admin Edit) Disable Service Selection Dropdown When Fulfillment Exists
One of the validations built in with the SPARCRequest and SPARCFulfillment synchronization feature for Non-clinical services was that if the line item had fulfillment data already, the “Delete” button was disabled on the SPARCDashboard Admin Edit page, in order to maintain consistent data. A loophole was discovered where the ability to edit and switch services were still possible, potentially causing downstream data inconsistencies if users switched a service that had previous SPARCFulfillment data. In this release, the aforementioned loophole has been addressed and now the service selection dropdown box inside of the Edit Non-Clinical Service window will be disabled, with a tool tip showing that the service has existing fulfillments.
Previous | Current |
13. (SPARCDashboard) Protocol Merge Service Request Draft Status Bug Fix (LA CATS Contribution)
A previous bug occurred when merging an empty protocol into a protocol with services. The “Request” state showed as “Draft” after the merge, when it should have displayed as “Submitted.” In this release, the bug was fixed.
Previous Bug | Current |
14. (SPARCDashboard) New Fee Agreement Report (OHSU Contribution)
A new report called “Fee Agreement” was added to SPARCDashboard protocol page on the “Requests” table. The report opens with a new window and allows users to filter by max visits columns, status, and programs. The report also comes equipped with Study Summary, Budget Summary, Non-clinical Services, Clinical Services, and Terms & Conditions Sections. Lastly, the report can be easily printed for record keeping.
Fee Agreement Report - SPARCDashboard | Fee Agreement Report |
15. (SPARCDashboard) Inconsistency Bug Fix with Admin Approvals Checkboxes
A previous bug occurred in the SPARCDashboard Admin Edit section where Administrative Approvals were displayed in the “History” tab and database, yet the checkboxes remained blank in the “Request Details” tab. This bug only happened to requests that have been re-submitted after the Administrative Approvals. In this release, this bug has been fixed.
Previous | Current |
16. (SPARCDashboard Admin Edit) Add Non-clinical Service Bug Fix
A previous silent error occurred when adding a service within the Admin Edit portion of SPARCDashboard for specific requests. In this release, this silent error has since been fixed.
Previous Bug |
17. (SPARCDashboard Admin Edit Section) New "Modified Rate" History Tab Added
Previously, there was not a way to trace who modified service rates and when the modification occurred within the SPARCDashboard Admin Edit page. In this release, the Modified Rate History Tab has been added to the History Tab in the Admin Edit page. The Modified Rate History tab will display the name of the service (and CPT code if available), the previous modified rates, who it was Modified By, and the Date Changed, as shown below.
18. SPARCDashboard and SPARCRequest Logo Bug (LA CATS Contribution)
A previous bug involved the SPARCDashboard Logo not rendering on the SPARCDashboard page, as well as the redirect link not functioning. In this release, these fixes have been made so the Logo image correctly displays, and the redirect link is functioning again.
Previous | Current |
19. (SPARCDashboard and SPARCReport) New Email Added to Authorized Users At Protocol Merges (LA CATS Contribution)
In this release, a system email was added that is sent out at protocol merges, to the PI, Requester, and Service Provider Owners who have unfinished service requests on the protocol. In addition, a new column (Combined Protocol ID(s)) has been added the the Protocols report in SPARCReport to track historical protocol merges.
Protocol Merge Email | Protocols Report - Combined Protocol ID(s) |
20. (SPARCDashboard) Epic Queue Current and Protocol Update Pages Sorting Bug Fix
A previous bug on the Current and Protocol Update tab of the Epic Queue page occurred when users clicked on “Last Queue Date” and “Last Queue Status” columns to sort, and “No Matching Records Found” would occur. In this release, this bug has been fixed.
Previous | Current |
21. (SPARCAdmin) New Permissible values Tab (LA CATS Contribution)
In this release, the Permissible Values tab was added to SPARCAdmin to allow a limited group of frontend users (Site Admins) the ability to adjust what was previously a backend function.
Permissible Values Tab | Adding a New Permissible Value | Permissible Values Categories |
22. (SPARCAdmin) New Settings Tab (LA CATS Contribution)
In this release, a new Settings tab was added to SPARCAdmin to allow a limited group of frontend users (Site Admins) the ability to edit/view what was previously a backend function.
Settings Tab | Edit a Setting |
23. (SPARCAdmin) New Users Tab (LA CATS Contribution)
In this release, the Users tab was added to SPARCAdmin to allow a limited group of front-end users (Site Admins) the ability to better manage profiles and access, which was previously a back-end function.
Users Tab | Edit User |
24. (SPARCCatalog) Inactive Organization Indicator Added on Organization Dropdown
The organization dropdown menu in SPARCCatalog on a service’s “General Information” form had all organizations previously showing without inactive indicators. In this release, inactive indicators were added onto the Program/Core dropdown menus in a SPARCCatalog service form. For consistency and better usability, the same style added to SPARCCatalog was previously added to SPARCDashboard.
25. (SPARCCatalog) General Information Program Dropdown Bug Fix
A previous bug occurred when attempting to utilize the "Program" dropdown to move a service, inside of the general information section of a given service. Upon selecting a new Program from the dropdown, a core dropdown was added (and continually added with each selection as shown below). In this release, this bug has been fixed so that upon selecting a new Program from the dropdown, a core dropdown is not added.
26. (SPARCFunding, SPARCDashboard, and SPARCForms) More Date Sorting Bug Fix (LA CATS Contribution)
Previous bugs in SPARCFunding, SPARCDashboard Admin Edit, and SPARCForms, caused several date/date time columns to not sort correctly. In this release the sorting bugs have been fixed.
Current |
27. (SPARCFunding) Documents Assign Organization Bug (LA CATS Contribution)
A previous bug occurred when “Share with All Providers” checkbox was checked on Create/Edit Document form, causing documents_sub_service_requests records to not be created. This caused issues within the SPARCFunding Module, with nothing showing up in the Document Download table after a request was submitted. In this release, This bug has been fixed.
Current |
28. (SPARCFunding) Bug Fix: Exception occurs when a funding organization does not have access to any uploaded (pre)application documents (LA CATS Contribution)
A previous system exception occurred when a Funding Admin clicked on the ‘Application’ (or Pre-Application) button, on the Document Download page of SPARCFunding, when a funding organization has no access to any of its 'Application' (or 'Pre-Application/Letter of Intent) documents. The SSRID in the Document Download table might not refer to the correct SSR in case there are more than one application submitted to the same funding organization (program ) under two separate opportunities (two separate SSRs were created). In this release, all uploaded documents are shown with a doc_type either as 'loi' or 'application' for a given funding opportunity even if the document didn't assign access to the funding organization.
29. (SPARCReport) New Modified Rate Report
In this release, a new canned “Modified Rate” report has been added to SPARCReport.
30. (SPARCReport) Default Date Range Related Bug Fix (LA CATS Contribution)
A previous bug occurred when the date range was not selected. Records created or submitted on the same day as the report run date are not included in the report. The reports affected included Admin Time, Service Requests, Short Interactions, and Unique PI Reports. Additionally, an exception bug occurs when the Pricing Date is not selected for the Service Pricing Report. In this release, these bugs have been fixed.
31. (SPARCReport) Remove PD/PI from the Unique PI Report Query For Consistency
Previously when querying for the Unique PI report, it was not only pulling the Primary PI, but also pulling PD/PI, which was potentially double-counting responsible PIs. In this release, PD/PI project roles were removed from the query, so that the Unique PI report was consistent with the definition of PI in the rest of our reporting.
32. (SPARC Emails) Bug Fix: Study Information Display for not Funded Studies (LA CATS Contribution)
When the 'Not Funded' permissible value is turned on for the application, previously the email study information table was showing blank for “Potential Funding Source“ row. This bug has since been fixed.
Previous | Current |
33. (SPARC/OnCore API) Adding MUSC as Institution with Protocol Creation
“Institution” is a required field in OnCore for its RPE interface to work (protocol will not show up in OnCore RPE search if missing institution information). Along with “Institution,” “PI” and “Sponsor” were being entered in manually. In this release, “Institution,” and “PI” was added to the protocol push from SPARC to OnCore.
34. (SPARC/OnCore API) Silent Error Fix: Minimal Footprint API 500 Error when PI doesn't Exist in OnCore
A previous Minimal Footprint API 500 error occurred when users clicked the “Push to OnCore” button. This error was caused because the Primary PI on a SPARC Protocol did not have a corresponding user record in OnCore. The protocol was still pushed over, but did not include the Primary PI. In this release, a yellow warning message has been added that says “PI does not exist in OnCore. Study pushed to OnCore.” to inform users that the PI needs to be added to OnCore.
Previous | Current |
35. (SPARC/OnCore Minimal Footprint API) Update Short Title Rule to be Consistent with SPARC/Epic Interface
In this release, the Short Title that is pushed from SPARCRequest to OnCore will follow the same format as what is pushed from SPARCRequest to Epic via the Study Name field, i.e. ‘Short Title in SPARCRequest'-’Study Title in SPARCRequest'.
36. (SPARC/OnCore) Bug Fix: Last Push Date Sorting Bug in OnCore Push Log
A previous bug occurred where the “Last Push Date” column in the OnCore Push Log did not sort properly. When selecting either the ascending or descending sort, the entries would sort from the oldest entry to the latest entry for each year. In this release, this bug has been fixed.
Previous | Current |
37. (eIRB/RMID/SPARC API) Filter out Special Characters
In a previous release, a squeeze method was implemented to auto-remove special characters in the title fields when users copy + paste to introduce them into SPARCRequest. However, in a recent case, it was found that there were two special characters (“[“ and “]”) in a study title caused the SPARC/Epic interface to silently fail. The same issue was passed along to SPARC from eIRB via the RMID/eIRB/SPARC API. In this release, the squeeze method was expanded to cover these special characters to auto-remove them from study titles.
Previous | Current |
38. (SPARCRequest and Living Biobank Interface) Ability to Bring in External PI Identities from Living Biobank API
Previously, multiple institutions and SSO integrations were unable to access the SPARCRequest MUSC instance. For PI records to remain consistent and the Living Biobank-related service providers to know the contact info these users need to have access to SPARC. In this release, users are able to gain access to the SPARCRequest via Living Biobank. To differentiate these users from normal SPARC users, we added a flag to identify users brought over from Living Biobank.
39. (SPARC-data) Remove Service_requests.approved column
The no-longer-used service_requests.approved column has been removed from the database with this release.
40. (SPARC Script) Update Data Refresh Script to Omit API Data
The SPARCRequest and SPARCFulfillment API was broken after each data refresh, due to the oauth tables and API keys refreshing. From this release, those settings are omitted from data refresh script, so that the API will no longer break.
41. (SPARC Script) update_hb_services.rake Enhancements
During the past Hospital Billing (HB) updates, couple issues were found with the output method of the rake task (sparc-request/lib/tasks/update_hb_services.rake at master · bmic-development/sparc-request ).
The following enhancements have been made in this release:
1). Improve the output method so that when a service is skipped, that is also included in the output file (whether same file or a new file is up to dev team's decision);
2). When a service is not updated, it should not be included in the output file. Some services were included in the altered service file when there were not any updates to the service. One way to test this is to run the script with the same input file multiple times.
42. (SPARC Specs) Add Testing Coverage for fulfillment_contingent_on_catalog_manager Setting
In the past couple of releases, a few issues occurred (broken pages) when the setting fulfillment_contingent_on_catalog_manager = false. Spec coverage for automatic testing has been implemented to cover as much as possible and ensure these places are not broken in the future.
43. (SPARC Specs) Add Spec Coverage for Move Visit Functionalities
In this release, spec coverage has been increased for the move visit functionalities, to cover all potential scenarios described by reported use cases.
44. (SPARC - Security) GitHub Security Alerts (LA CaTS Contribution)
Previously, the following dependabot alerts were received from GitHub:
actionpack high severity CVE-2021-22904
activerecord high severity CVE-2021-22880
actionview moderate severity CVE-2020-15169\
By upgrading rails and its dependencies (actionxxx, activexxx) to v, these detected vulnerabilities have been addressed.
SPARCRequest Rake Tasks and Setting Changes
1. Run rake data:import_settings to add new settings
2. Set oncore_default_institution
in Settings to "Medical University of South Carolina"
3. Set oncore_default_pi_role
in Settings to "Principal Investigator"
4. Run refresh_hospital_service_relations
rake task with final csv file from story #175767593 (MUSC Only)
5. Run fix_duplicate_responses.rake to remove duplicative survey responses due to multi-click bug
SPARCFulfillment Version 3.3.0 New Features
1. (SPARCFulfillment) Framework Updates
In this release, considerable effort went into upgrading the SPARCFulfillment to the Bootstrap framework updates (v4). SPARCFulfillment has a more familiar feel with our SPARCRequest modules, as well as better consistency and seamless usability for our user base. A more detailed look into the upgraded SPARCFulfillment can be found in the newest version of SPARCFulfillment User Guide.
2. (SPARCFulfillment) Re-work sync functionality
In this release, the SPARCDashboard “Sync to SPARCFulfillment“ functionality has been reworked to use the SPARCFulfillment/SPARCRequest API to improve data exchange efficiency.
3. (SPARCFulfillment) Table Overflow Bug Fix
A previous bug occurred when only one or two fulfillments existed in the Non-Clinical Service Fulfillment list window, the Action dropdown window was blocked from user display. In this release, this bug has been fixed with the new bootstrap table layout.
Previous | Current |
4. (SPARCFulfillment) Bug Fix: Participant Report inside a Request should only pull listed Participants
Previously, when a user clicked on the Participant report button in the Participant Tracker tab in Request Fulfillment Homepage, the report generated displayed all the participants in SPARCFulfillment. In this release, only the participants associated to a protocol are displayed.
Participant Tracker Tab |
Exported Participant Tracker Report |
5. (SPARCFulfillment) Bug Fix: Audit Report Not Displaying Created Non-clinical Line Items from Synchronization
In a previous bug when new non-clinical line item services were synced over from SPARCRequest to SPARCFulfillment, the new line items were not showing up in the audit report in SPARCFulfillment. In this release, this bug has been fixed.
Previous | Current |
6. (SPARCFulfillment) Bug Fix: Klok-imported Fulfillments missing Funding Source logic
A previous bug was found where around 47,000 fulfillment rows had null funding_source. All of these entries were imported from Klok. In this release, additional logic has been added to Klok to ensure import entries are consistent with the rest of the fulfillments.
7. (SPARCFulfillment) Visit Day Missing Validation Bug Fix
Previous bugs occurred on the SPARCFulfillment Clinical Services tab when adding or editing visits. The “*” on both Visit Name and Visit Day were missing, and both fields are required. The validation on Visit Day being blank is missing. The Visit Day box on “Add Visit” modal needed an alignment fix because its size was different from other boxes. In this release, all these bugs have been fixed.
Previous | Current |
8. (SPARCFulfillment) Invoice Report Patient ID Bug Fix (Iowa Contribution)
A previous bug occurred in the patient ID column in the invoice report where instead of showing the MRN, it showed the External ID. In this release, that bug has been fixed.
SPARCFulfillment Rake Tasks and Setting Changes
List of Programming Changes with Links to GitHub
SPARCRequest v3.9.0
Change to server side pagination on SPARC Users table for better performance
Update SSR status right after SR submission while keeping email
Fixing update project bug where a required field value is missing
Editing Date Processed and Date Completed Fields in Admin Edit
Adding testing coverage for fulfillment contingent on catalog manager setting
Display Funding Status instead of Potential Funding Source in Study
service request should have a 'submitted' status when merging 2 proto…
SPARCFulfillment v3.3.0
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