SPARCRequest Wiki

SPARCRequest Version 3.10.1

MUSC Release Date: 1/26/2023        OS Release Date: 2/10/2023


Page Index:

SPARCRequest Version 3.10.1 New Features

1. (SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) Update File Attachments Data Model from Paperclip to Active Storage

The method for storing and processing uploaded files has changed from Paperclip to Active Storage to ensure up-to-date method handling.

2. (SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) Add Funding Status Data to Protocol Summary Page (LACaTs Contribution)

With the SPARCRequest 3.10.1 release that combined funding source data, the funding status differences were not easily distinguished on the Study Summary. Therefore, the potential funding status information has been added to the summary.




3. (SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) Ensure Funding Source Options Preserved (LACaTs Contribution)

Fixed bug that prevented populating required funding options and data when ‘Not funded’ status is an option and in use.

4. (SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) Multiple Documents Download Error

PDF documents were receiving errors when attempting downloads using the multiple documents checkbox download feature. This has been corrected, and these documents can now be downloaded as a single document or as a part of a set of documents.

5. (SPARCDashboard) Include Notes & Show/Hide Feature for Non-Clinical Services in Fee Agreement (OHSU Contribution)

Within the Fee Agreement section, new features have been added for non-clinical services to also show applicable notes, as well as the ability to show/hide both clinical and non-clinical notes after submitting to save the query change.





6. (SPARCDashboard) Remove External Organizations data from Study Details when section is not in use (LACaTs Contribution)

Section data for ‘Involved External Organizations’ will not display in SPARCDashboard Study Details if the External Organization section is not being used by an institution.

7. (SPARCDashboard) Ability to close Directly Linked Notification Message Window

All features to close notifications linked from email messages have been enabled.




8. (SPARCReport) Add Pricing Map Dates to Service Pricing Report

To assist service providers with timing of updating service pricing when managing a multitude of services, the 'Pricing Map Display Date" and "Pricing Map Effective Date" columns have been added to the Service Pricing Report. These dates represent the current price at the time of the selected "Pricing Date" parameters when running the report from SPARCReports.





9. (SPARCFunding) Document Download page load error (LACaTs Contribution)

Bug fix that prevented data export downloads in the SPARCFunding module.

10. (SPARCAdmin) Exception occurs on SPARC Settings page load (LACaTs Contribution)

Fixed error preventing SPARCAdmin use for institutions not using Epic User API webhook

11. (SPARC/EPIC User Interface) Added Error Handling Method for Gateway Issues

SPARC/EPIC API user interface MSTeams webhook has been created to alert the SPARC development team of connection issue. When the user interface is down, SPARC EPIC queue managers will also see a banner notice in SPARCDashboard Epic Queues.

User Message


User Message





12. (SPARCCode) Epic Authorized User Spec Issue

Fixed error causing development pull requests merge failures.

13. (SPARC-RMID API) Optimize RMID Status

A method to check the status of the RMID connection and return RMID records has been updated. This is a step towards efforts to optimize SPARC performance.



SPARCRequest Rake Tasks and Setting Changes

  1. (Paperclip to ActiveStorage) Before Deployment:

    1. Confirm testing, staging, and production buckets in config/storage.yml

    2. Update the associated config/environment .rb files to point to those buckets.



SPARCRequest v3.10.1

Visit linked version above.

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