SPARCRequest Wiki
SPARCRequest Version 3.10.0
MUSC Release Date: 11/28/2022 OS Release Date: 12/13/2022
Page Index:
- 1 SPARCRequest Version 3.10.0 New Features
- 1.1 1. (SPARCRequest) Remove CTSAsearch content
- 1.2 2. (SPARCRequest) Update Language in Search Bar to Provide Clear Instructions
- 1.3 3. (SPARCRequest) Change New Request Question
- 1.4 4. (SPARCRequest) Service Provider Email Missing First Paragraph Bug Fix
- 1.5 5. (SPARCRequest and SPARCDashboard) Remove Ability to Delete Service Requests Already in Fulfillment
- 1.6 6. (SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) Page Loading Indicator Increased
- 1.7 7. (SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) New Document Permission Error
- 1.8 8. (SPARCRequest and SPARCDashboard) Move Epic User API Error to MSTeams
- 1.9 9. (SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard) Epic Question 1 Rewording
- 1.10 10. (SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard) Epic Question 4 and Notes update
- 1.11 11. (SPARCRequest Step 2 & SPARCDashboard) Add protocol short title length validation message
- 1.12 12. (SPARCRequest Step 2 & SPARCDashboard) EPIC Q1 Displays with blank RMID Errors
- 1.13 13. (SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard) List External Organizations collaborating on a Study
- 1.14 14. (SPARCRequest Step 3 and SPARCDashboard Admin Edit) Previous/Next Arrows added to Edit Billing Quantities Window
- 1.15 15. (SPARCRequest Step 3 and SPARCDashboard) Ability to Collapse/Expand Service Request Display
- 1.16 16. (SPARCRequest Step 4 and SPARCDashboard) Ability to download multiple documents
- 1.17 17. (SPARCRequest Step 4 and SPARCDashboard) Ability to change document access for multiple documents
- 1.18 18. (SPARCRequest Step 4 and SPARCDashboard) Add Optional "Version Date" Field to Documents
- 1.19 19. (SPARCRequest, SPARCDashboard and SPARCAdmin) Authorized User and User Profile Form Bug (LA Cats Contribution)
- 1.20 20. (SPARCDashboard) Coverage Analysis Report: Remove # of Subjects Column
- 1.21 21. (SPARCDashboard) Protocol Merges Column Header Naming Change
- 1.22 22. (SPARCDashboard) Add Protocol Submission Date Column (LA Cats Contribution)
- 1.23 23. (SPARCDashboard) Remove Tooltip Blocking Message Recipient Names
- 1.24 24. (SPARCDashboard) Retain Protocol eIRB Data with Protocol Merges
- 1.25 25. (SPARCDashboard) Search for merged protocols
- 1.26 26. (SPARCDashboard) Notification Email Links Directly to the Message
- 1.27 27. (SPARCDashboard) Cost Analysis Report Column Name Updates
- 1.28 28. (SPARCDashboard) Protocol Merge Duplicative Affiliations Error (LA Cats Contribution)
- 1.29 29. (SPARCDashboard and SPARCForm) Add Form Submitter and Date (LA Cats Contribution)
- 1.30 30. (SPARCReport) Admin Time Report: Update Title of 'Service Request Status' Column
- 1.31 31. (SPARCReport) Add Protocol Merges Report
- 1.32 32. (SPARCForms) Allow Integer Decimals
- 1.33 33. (SPARCAdmin) Use Reserved Attribute for Permissible Values
- 1.34 34. (SPARCAdmin) Add New User Data Columns (LA CaTs Contribution)
- 1.35 35. (SPARCAdmin) Add Demographic Information to User Profiles (LA CaTs Contribution)
- 1.36 36. (SPARCAdmin) Fee Agreement Report Optional (LA CaTs Contribution)
- 1.37 37. (SPARCAdmin) Add Copyright Language as a New Setting
- 1.38 38. (SPARCFunding) Unable to export button data
- 1.39 39. (SPARC Code Base) Update Copyright Year
- 1.40 40. (SPARC Code) Firefox Icon broken in SPARC modules webpage footer
- 1.41 41. (SPARC Data Structure) Combine Funding Source and Potential Funding Data
- 1.42 42. (SPARC Maintenance) Remove Surveyor Specs
- 1.43 43. (SPARC Security) GitHub Security Alerts (LA Cats Contribution)
- 1.44 43. (SPARC Security) High Security Vulnerability in Active Record (LA Cats Contribution)
- 2 SPARCRequest Rake Tasks and Setting Changes
- 3 List of Programming Changes with Links to GitHub
SPARCRequest Version 3.10.0 New Features
1. (SPARCRequest) Remove CTSAsearch content
The statement describing SPARCRequest services being listed in the CTSAsearch platform has been removed from SPARCRequest homepage, as this listing is no longer active.
Previous | Current |
2. (SPARCRequest) Update Language in Search Bar to Provide Clear Instructions
The language in the SPARCRequest Home Page Catalog search bar has been updated with clearer instructions to search for a service, as well as a tooltip about what can be searched for in the field.
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3. (SPARCRequest) Change New Request Question
The ‘new request’ pop-up screen question when first adding services to the cart has been updated to read as a single question: Is this a request for a new SPARC Study or Project? The ‘No or unsure’ on-screen button instructions users to go to Dashboard if the request is for an existing study OR if the user is not sure whether a study exists. Visiting the Dashboard will default the search criteria to ‘All Protocols’ to better facilitate a study search.
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4. (SPARCRequest) Service Provider Email Missing First Paragraph Bug Fix
Additional work has been done to correct the bug causing occasional absence of the first paragraph in submission email to the service providers' emails.
5. (SPARCRequest and SPARCDashboard) Remove Ability to Delete Service Requests Already in Fulfillment
A new feature has been implemented to prevent deleting a service request’s last service from the SPARCRequest shopping cart when the service request has been pushed to fulfillment. This functionality has been implemented to preserve consistency in records between SPARCRequest and SPARCFulfillment.
Current |
6. (SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) Page Loading Indicator Increased
The size of the loading bar has been increased to better indicate when the page is loading.
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7. (SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) New Document Permission Error
An error preventing new documents uploaded into SPARCRequest or SPARCDashboard when a user tried to click on the uploaded document has been resolved.
8. (SPARCRequest and SPARCDashboard) Move Epic User API Error to MSTeams
Epic API User errors webhooks (alerts for development team) have to been moved from Slack to MSTeams due to phasing out Slack communication.
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9. (SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard) Epic Question 1 Rewording
When a study indicates it will be published in Epic within Study Details, the resulting question #1 has been updated for consistency with current IRB terminology and EPIC instructions for Alias Medical Records and de-identification of study participants.
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10. (SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard) Epic Question 4 and Notes update
To maintain consistency with recently updated EPIC research header banner terminology, the SPARC study Epic question #4 has been to read "Is it appropriate to display the yellow "Research Participant” advisory for all study participants?". Subsequent notes have been updated to read “yellow advisory' as well.
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11. (SPARCRequest Step 2 & SPARCDashboard) Add protocol short title length validation message
Previously, when a study short title field was too long it prevented users from saving but did not inform users of the issue. An on-screen message has been added, noting when the short title is too long.
Current |
12. (SPARCRequest Step 2 & SPARCDashboard) EPIC Q1 Displays with blank RMID Errors
Previously in Edit Study Details, the Epic study question automatically displayed a response when the page was saved as a Human Subjects study without an RMID number entered. This function has been removed as it was previously included as a prompt to complete the Epic study question, and the system will continue requesting required information in these sections.
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13. (SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard) List External Organizations collaborating on a Study
The ability to identify external institutions/organizations involved with a study has been added. A new ‘External Organizations’ section within ‘Other Study Details’ captures these collaborations when creating or editing a study. Current data collected for these external collaborators include Organization Name, Organization Type and Comments. This feature functions similarly to adding multiple IRB Records on the study.
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14. (SPARCRequest Step 3 and SPARCDashboard Admin Edit) Previous/Next Arrows added to Edit Billing Quantities Window
Arrow have been added to navigate back and forth between visits in the “Edit Billing Quantities” pop up window in the Quantity/Billings of the SPARC calendar. As a user moves from one visit to the next, it automatically saves any changes to the R/T values for a service visit.
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15. (SPARCRequest Step 3 and SPARCDashboard) Ability to Collapse/Expand Service Request Display
Functionality has been added that allows users to collapse/expand service requests for clinical & non-clinical services, making on-page viewing and navigation easier.
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16. (SPARCRequest Step 4 and SPARCDashboard) Ability to download multiple documents
Users are now able to batch download several documents at the same time into a zip file.
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17. (SPARCRequest Step 4 and SPARCDashboard) Ability to change document access for multiple documents
Users are now able to select multiple documents at time to batch edit service providers granted document access.
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18. (SPARCRequest Step 4 and SPARCDashboard) Add Optional "Version Date" Field to Documents
Users have the option to add a version date to a document, as well as display a version date column.
Current |
19. (SPARCRequest, SPARCDashboard and SPARCAdmin) Authorized User and User Profile Form Bug (LA Cats Contribution)
Bug fix that prevented saving authorized user and user profile updates when 'Other' Credentials was selected without entering anything in the 'Please Specify' textbox.
20. (SPARCDashboard) Coverage Analysis Report: Remove # of Subjects Column
The “# of Subjects” column has been removed from the Coverage Analysis report, as this service-level information is not needed in this report and caused unnecessary re-signing with edits.
Current |
21. (SPARCDashboard) Protocol Merges Column Header Naming Change
The dashboard column header “Historical Protocol Merges” name has been changed to “Merged Protocol ID(s)” be better define the column.
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22. (SPARCDashboard) Add Protocol Submission Date Column (LA Cats Contribution)
A “Submitted On” column has been added to the Request Table on protocol’s Dashboard homepage to indicate the latest submission date for a particular service request.
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23. (SPARCDashboard) Remove Tooltip Blocking Message Recipient Names
The pop-up tool tip now disappears after clicking the message button, only appearing when hovering over the button with the mouse.
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24. (SPARCDashboard) Retain Protocol eIRB Data with Protocol Merges
A bug has been fixed that prevented eIRB Pro#s from remaining on the final protocol during merges.
25. (SPARCDashboard) Search for merged protocols
A bug has been fixed that prevented users from searching for protocol IDs that have been merged.
Current |
26. (SPARCDashboard) Notification Email Links Directly to the Message
When a user gets a SPARC message notification email, the SPARCDashboard link in the email will take the user directly to the notification message.
Current |
27. (SPARCDashboard) Cost Analysis Report Column Name Updates
The Cost Analysis Report column names “Quantity Type”, “Service Rate” and “Your Cost” now appear consistently in the report, synchronizing the terms with SPARC data and other SPARCRequest canned reports.
Current |
28. (SPARCDashboard) Protocol Merge Duplicative Affiliations Error (LA Cats Contribution)
An error has been corrected that prevented accessing Study Information when merging protocols that has the same selections in the Affiliations, Collaborations & Memberships section.
29. (SPARCDashboard and SPARCForm) Add Form Submitter and Date (LA Cats Contribution)
SPARCDashboard now displays submitted ‘By’ and submission ‘Date’ columns on the Form Submissions table to better assist service providers with managing this information and associating it with the SPARCForms Module.
Current |
30. (SPARCReport) Admin Time Report: Update Title of 'Service Request Status' Column
The “Service Request Status” column title in the Admin Time report has been changed to “Status” to maintain consistency among SPARC reports.
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31. (SPARCReport) Add Protocol Merges Report
A new Protocol Merges Report has been added to SPARCReport to these types of actions.
Current |
32. (SPARCForms) Allow Integer Decimals
Number field within forms will now allow integer decimals instead of requiring the data to be a whole number.
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33. (SPARCAdmin) Use Reserved Attribute for Permissible Values
Enhanced administrator’s ability to manage permissible values in SPARCAdmin. Updates include disabling edits for values that should not be changed, identifying in views and column data which values are reserved and recording the reserved data for applicable values.
Current |
34. (SPARCAdmin) Add New User Data Columns (LA CaTs Contribution)
A user's affiliated institution and login information has been added to the SPARCAdmin Users page to improve user management within this module.
Current |
35. (SPARCAdmin) Add Demographic Information to User Profiles (LA CaTs Contribution)
Four “personal” demographics attributes (gender, age_group, ethnicity, race) have been added as permissible values in the SPARCAdmin module. This information may be available on user’s profile for edits, if included per institution.
36. (SPARCAdmin) Fee Agreement Report Optional (LA CaTs Contribution)
The Fee Agreement Report is now configurable in the SPARCAdmin module, making it optional for display within SPARCDashboard.
Current |
37. (SPARCAdmin) Add Copyright Language as a New Setting
The ability for site administrators to update the SPARC website copyright information in the footer has been added to SPARCAdmin.
38. (SPARCFunding) Unable to export button data
Bug has been fixed that prevented downloading SPARCFunding module application data.
39. (SPARC Code Base) Update Copyright Year
The year range in the copyright language within the SPARCRequest repository has been updated to end with year 2022.
40. (SPARC Code) Firefox Icon broken in SPARC modules webpage footer
A broken link causing the Firefox browser icon in the footer of SPARCRequest, SPARCDashboard, SPARCReport, SPARCForms, SPARCAdmin, SPARCFunding modules homepages has been fixed.
41. (SPARC Data Structure) Combine Funding Source and Potential Funding Data
To optimize funding source data reported in SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard Study Details, funding and potential funding source and start dates have been combined into one data field. User will continue selecting proposal funding status of ‘potential’ or ‘funded’. Funding Source will no longer distinguish between ‘potential' or ‘funding’. Funding Start Date will no longer distinguish between ‘funding’ or ‘est funding’. Existing, affected data has been transferred to the combined fields.
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42. (SPARC Maintenance) Remove Surveyor Specs
Work has begun to remove surveyor specs that were randomly failing on Travis CI and passing when ran locally, making makes them useless in development. SPARC test instance initiates these removals, with monitoring to be done to assess removing more in the future.