SPARCRequest Wiki
20250226-Technical Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting: | SPARC OS Technical Committee |
Date: | Feb 26, 2025 |
Time: | 2:00 pm - 3:04 pm |
MUSC | Greg, Brigette |
Iowa |
LaCATS | Ying |
Children’s National |
Case Western | Jeremy |
Stony Brook Medicine |
Morehouse | Helen, Ruvina |
Guest | Gordon Wimpress (USC) |
Last Meeting’s Minutes
Institutional Updates:
Gordon, representing University of Southern California (USC), joined for first 30 mins in their considering SPARC as a request tracking platform.
Louisiana Clinical & Translational Science Center:
Ying had a Rails 7 email sending related error (initializer can’t load, won’t send email). She fixed and will submit the fix in Pivotal
Using upgraded Rails/Ruby in the prod environment
Getting error ' :exception_recipients => ENV["EXCEPTION_RECIPIENTS"] || %w{}' for the file to customize who will receive exception emails. Used to work before Rails 7. The emails are not encoded in the configuration file. Suggest updating it in the dotenv.example file.
Reported (SPARCDashboard, SPARCRequest) Documents table Uploaded bug - is not upgrade related since it’s already in prod. It may have been an issue since last bootstrap - needs to be a string.
Migration to Pivotal Tracker (going away end of April 2025) to Jira is underway. Look out for Confluence account invitations if you don’t already have one.
Upcoming Releases
SPARC v3.13.0 - Ruby 3.3.1 & Ruby Rails upgrades - Winter 2025
Working on these upgrades with server change; issues resolution
SPARCFulfillment v3.6.0 Release - Winter 2025
SPARC v3.14.0 Release - Spring 2025
SPARCFulfillment v.3.7.0 Ruby & Rails upgrade - Fall 2025
Oregon Health & Science University:
Upgraded to 3.12.1 on all servers
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Case Western
Not in attendance
Asked if there’s a rake task or programming in newer releases for:
Emailing PIs of draft requests. A: The ‘Unsubmitted Request’ feature was added in SPARC v3.12.0 as a SPARC front page alert in these instances, but there is not email notice sent out.
Related discussion included Ying’s observation of users' confusion of the Add/Request button in dashboard as being intended to submit more services. Suggested exploring a different label, perhaps ‘Manage Request’.
Emailing service providers of outstanding submitted request - for instance if in the status for over 30 days. A: There is not a feature for this, namely due to email fatigue and the status workflows vary among providers. Would require defining statuses for triggers and/or per site or catalog org to define and enable/disable.
Jeremy will enter in a story to begin discussions of sites' interest in any of these features
Children’s National
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Stony Brook:
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Working on test server to build out a Core and test it out
Upgrading to latest SPARC releases but having difficulty working through the process from example installation documents since they are intended as examples and is from some time ago. Ying suggested starting with installation under doc folder (dev installation) and then think of what server you’ll use. MUSC will set up a call with Morehouse to talk through their process.
Will reach out for SPARC review when further along with set up
Introduced the following topic for sites to consider development design to discuss at future meetings. Initial suggestions include changing the language ont he Submission confirmation page and redirect to Dashboard so that it’s not communicating a submission when that may not be the case until after processing.
(SPARCRequest) Improve Background Submit Process Time - move the submission in SPARC Step 5 to be a background process so as to not hold up the submission process.
Current order:
user click submit in Step 5,
pop up survey modal,
user says no to survey (or yes, completes and goes to next step),
select request to submit pop up modal,
user choses requests to send and clicks submit,
[processing occurs] - these are what will move to ‘background’, presenting next part to user
(edited) submission confirmation page displays,
user can go to protocol or otherwise use SPARC.
Discussion development method -
processing timing & influence
what’s currently happening during the ‘click submit’ and confirmation page steps. affects of moving that behind the scenes to allow SPARC navigation
consider order with other stories (SPARCRequest) Change When System Satisfaction Survey Appears and (SPARCRequest) Add MOU pop-up when user submits a request, do not proceed unless user agrees
is the delivery tied to the service request status change
how it handles delays and unsuccessful submits
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