SPARCRequest Wiki
20240731-Technical Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting: | SPARC OS Technical Committee |
Date: | Jul 31, 2024 |
Time: | 2:00 pm - 2:53 pm |
MUSC | Greg, Brigette |
Iowa |
LA CaTS | Ying |
Children’s National |
Case Western | Jeremy |
OHSU | Imogen |
Stony Brook Medicine |
Morehouse | Helen |
Institutional Updates:
Louisiana Clinical & Translational Science Center:
In attendance, but had technical difficulties & had to leave meeting early
New hire working with Brian on ops side
Tested Rails and Ruby upgrade - see note below
SPARCFulfillment 3.5.0 Release (released July 5th)
SPARC Ruby 3.3.1 & Ruby Rails upgrades - tested Rails 7 changes. Next step is to merge Ruby 3 for addl testing; working on server upgrade to accompany these upgrades
Ying tried these upgrades. Had no issues with Rails. But Ruby is giving error with Open SSL and bundler version installs. MUSC will check with the devs to see of cited issues with their Ruby upgrade attempts.
Upcoming Releases
RMID 1.7.0 Release (tentative Sept 2024)
SPARC 3.13.0 Release will follow the Ruby/Rails upgrade and RMID (tentative Dec 2024)
DISCUSSION: request for configuration for these SPARC OS stories - any concerns or feedback?
(SPARCRequest) Add MOU pop-up when user submits a request, do not proceed unless user agrees - reviewed this would be optional to use with text configuration
(SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard) Allow study Primary IRB Record to be directly entered on page - discussed can add back end flag to identify primary IRB. Further discussion with Ops group has been planned to distinguish what a Primary IRB is.
(SPARCRequest) Add description field to services in Admin Edit - description may only apply to a certain service on a request. Can add an attribute to the line item that’s a permissible value to accommodate a text box or drop down.
Oregon Health & Science University:
Not in attendance
No new SPARC update
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Case Western
Not in attendance
Institution updated email policies, so they updated SPARC settings from send mail to SMTP
Still upgrading RedHat. Was getting SSL & bundler install errors so with going to v9 so downgrading to v8 based Andrew suggestion a few months ago.
Children’s National
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Stony Brook:
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Not in attendance
Not actively using SPARC yet, as working through other items. But they want to stay informed of what’s happening with SPARC for when they go back to using it. Relayed latest version is 3.12.1 and 3.13.0 will be next release.
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