SPARCRequest Wiki
240315 SPARC OS Ops Agenda
Mar 15, 2024
MUSC | Rachelle Paranel, Leila Forney, Brigette White, Prathik Harikrishnan |
Case Western | Jeremy Fondran |
Children’s National |
Iowa |
LA CaTS | Brian Melancon |
OHSU | Kitt Swartz, Imogen Bentley |
Stony Brook |
Morehouse |
Discussion Topics
Implementation Resource Allocation - please provide overview of your institution’s high level efforts to implement and maintain SPARC. MUSC can update the wiki page.
(SPARCCatalog) Select active services to hide from SPARCRequest - revisit topic for service provider adding administrative, active services that are not displayed in catalog
Brian noted LACaTs is agreeable to this, but Ying has some concerns. She can describe them on an upcoming Tech call.
Kitt noted OHSU are interested in using this, similar to how they are now tagging services for notations (e.g., Ext IRB study, upcoming price increases, etc).
Following discussion, this feature will be implemented and development design discussion will occur at a Tech call.
Institutional Updates
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Children’s National ~
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Stony Brook ~
Morehouse ~
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