SPARCRequest Wiki
230120 SPARC OS Ops Agenda
Jan 20, 2023
MUSC | Leila Forney, Brigette White; Prathik Harikrishnan; Rechelle Paranal; Jillian Harvey; Royce Sampson |
Case Western |
Children’s National |
Iowa | Nick Francisco |
LA CaTS | Brian Melancon |
OHSU | Kitt Swartz; Imogen Bentley |
Stony Brook |
Discussion Topics
3.10.1 SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard Release (01/26/2023)
(OHSU Topic) Does anyone have any reports that show admins and their user rights?
Comprehensive report that shows the admin users, where they sit in the catalog, and what rights do they have.
MUSC is currently working on new functionality in regards to this topic (
(OHSU Topic) Potentially add a “View Study” functionality for admin users to only view protocols
Use Case: For Directors/High Level Administrators to view protocols without being able to make changes. Also the ability to run reports.
Further discussions required
Institutional Updates
Iowa ~ No Updates. Continued work on CTMS intergrations. Study teams buy in
OHSU ~ No Major Updates. Waiting on next release before upgrade
Stony Brook ~
LA CaTS ~ No Major Updates. CTR Integration PIESTAR: it will feed some info (Demographics, etc) into SPARC
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