SPARCRequest Wiki
230317 SPARC OS Ops Agenda
Mar 17, 2023
MUSC | Leila Forney, Royce Sampson, Rachelle Paranal, Brigette White, Prathik Harikrishnan |
Case Western |
Children’s National |
Iowa | Nicholas Francisco |
OHSU | Imogen Bentley, Kitt Swartz |
Stony Brook |
Morehouse |
Discussion Topics
(SPARCDashboard) Ability to Restore Modified Rates Back to Price on Pricing Map (
Answered Nic’s questions on the PT story - this will not erase the fact that it was a modified rate - this is still in the history & will show on reports. it will provide an added function to revert modified rates back to the current pricing map.
Discussed OSHU’s:
Current report that uses a script to clear out modified rates and change back to current pricing. They will share the script (e.g., on Tech Call), which may help with MUSC’s efforts to do this as well as help gather insight from other institutions on using similar methods in planning current story.
Desire for a report to include Your Cost as a static field instead of it being a loaded at page display as a calculated field (from pricing map options or modified rate). MUSC will consider possibilities, along with whether this can be included in a current report or is a new report.
(SPARCReport) Add report with service level information (OHSU) - define requirements and where data populates from SPARC
This story was from a few years ago, and OHSU has already created a report where they include individual services info: non-clinical services processing and completion dates (entered in Admin Edit) and the status start and stop dates for clinical services. It’s not an ideal report because it returns all data and they filter for what they need.
Discussed possibility of updating current service request report to better allow selecting statuses with start/end dates. OHSU will update this story to describe their report for consideration of whether a current or new SPARC report can better call out the desired data.
The ‘tags’ field on the current service request report will be removed as it seems to cause the report to not render data.
For Review
Email went out of stories to review:
(SPARCRequest) Disable SPARC modules opening in new browser window (
(SPARCDashboard) Ability to Remove Modified Rates and Change it Back to Price on Pricing Map (
(SPARCReport) Add Requester Column to Service Request Report (
(SPARCDashboard) Add Search Results Relevance and Filter Columns (
(SPARCRequest/SPARCDashboard) Prevent Users from Deleting Services via SPARCRequest Shopping Cart that have been Invoiced/Fulfilled (
(SPARC-EPIC Interface) Import Guarantor Information into EPIC (
(SPARC-EPIC Interface) Import IRB Approval Information into EPIC (
Upcoming Release - SPARCFulfillment 3.4.0 Release - 4/6/2023
SPARC 3.11.0 Release - date TBD
Institutional Updates
Iowa ~ Continued work with Envira/OnCore integration; Hold off of Integrating Calendars with SPARC
OHSU ~ No Updates
Stony Brook ~
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