Split/Notify Documentation (based on SPARCRequest v3.12.1 and SPARCFulfillment v3.5.1)

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Split/Notify Documentation (based on SPARCRequest v3.12.1 and SPARCFulfillment v3.5.1)


The Split/Notify:

  • Defines the level of program management (i.e. group of service providers) designated to receive and manage requests that have been packaged/grouped (i.e. -0001, -0002) in SPARCDashboard.

  • Drives who receives system-generated emails.


Split/Notify is set up from SPARCCatalog module. Catalog Managers can set up Split/Notify at the Provider, Program, or Core levels. If the Split/Notify is selected, emails will be sent to the Service Providers associated at that level of organization. If a broader range of program management is required, the split/notify can be setup at the Provider or Program level. If a more stringent level of program management is required, then the Split/Notify can be established at the Core level in SPARCCatalog.


  • Once split/notify is set up on a higher level, it should not be set on the lower level under the same organization branch (i.e. both Provider and Core).

  • Once there are existing service requests, if your institution setup changes, and a Split/Notify is required to be moved, a development script needs to be utilized in order to move existing data without causing errors.

Split/Notify-Related Functionality in SPARCCatalog

In SPARCCatalog, the split/notify also logically drives the display of the following sections for catalog setup: Status Options, Submission Emails, Fulfillment Rights. If you wish for more detailed description of each section, please go to the SPARCCatalogSPARCCatalog User GuideUser Guide.


Split/Notify-Related Functionality in SPARCRequest

SPARCRequest will display the Split/Notify when services are added to the cart (Step 1 page) and subsequently fall under the same grouping (i.e. -0001, -0002, -0003, etc). If a service is added to the cart and starts a new grouping (and request number) then it is setup at a different Split/Notify or a previous Split/Notify has been Completed (or is in another finished status), which allows a second request to be added of that same Split/Notify. SPARCRequest Step 2-5 pages (i.e. Service Calendar on Step 3 page, and Submission confirmation on Step 5 page) follows the same grouping determined by Split/Notify setup.

Split/Notify-Related Functionality in SPARCDashboard

SPARCDashboard will display the Split/Notify by displaying the different service provider groupings (i.e. -0001, -0002, -0003, etc). Each Split/Notify organization will display their own Status, Organization, Owner, Notifications, and Admin Edit for administrative users. Inside a protocol page, the Requests table is also displayed following the Split/Notify setup.

Inside the Admin Edit section, the ‘Push to Epic’ button will display for service providers who have services that are set up to interface with EPIC EHR.

Inside the Admin Edit section, the ‘Push to Fulfillment’ button will display for service providers who has Fulfillment tag chosen in SPARCCatalog on a Split/Notify organization.

Split/Notify-Related Functionality in SPARCFulfillment

SPARCFulfillment will display the Split/Notify by displaying the different service provider groupings (i.e. -0001, -0002, -0003, etc). On the homepage, each request is sent over from SPARCDashboard (when Fulfillment tag has been checked in SPARCCatalog) and represents a split/notify organization.

Clinical Providers are defined in SPARCCatalog at split/notify organization level and displayed in the “Performed By“ dropdown when adding/editing fulfillments on non-clinical and clinical services.

The “Organizations“ filter on Invoice Report filters popup window are also the split/notify organization that have been set up.

Split/Notify Functionality in SPARCForms

When a new form is created, it can be associated to a split/notify organization (or individual service). For more information on the creation of forms and surveys, please go to the SPARCForms Guide for Service Providers.


Once a survey is created, it can be associated to one or more split/notify organizations in SPARCCatalog to be utilized.

SPARCForms will display the Split/Notify by displaying the different service provider groupings (i.e. -0001, -0002, -0003, etc).


Split/Notify-Related Functionality in SPARCReport

Split/Notify organizations are the basis of some of the reports in SPARCReport module, such as Admin Time Report, Notifications Report, Service Request Report, and Survey Report.


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