SPARCRequest in the RFA!!


SPARCRequest in the RFA!!

June 17, 2015

What cool news - SPARC Request was recently mentioned in the new Trial Innovation Centers (TICs) (U24) RFA (RFA-TR-15-002)


Check it out!

Operations: Describe a plan for the TIC in the first six months of funding, in collaboration with other TICs, to establish standardized IAA, MCTA, consent and other templates, joint SOPs, shared or at least inter-operable IT systems and innovative ways for efficient multi-site trial budgeting which may include IT solutions such as SPARC http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/sctr/sparc_request).(http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/sctr/sparc_request).*)This includes finalizing details of research cost (per participant) to sites within approved budgets, develop site payment schedule, and finalize subcontracts with sites per the MCTA. Describe how, once a trial is approved for funding, the TIC will identify and work with the CTSA designated liaison for each interested site to ensure prompt submissions and responses to requests from the cIRB, and prompt processing of trial-specific parts of the subcontracts.

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