SPARCRequest Wiki
SPARCRequest Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page
Prathik Harikrishnan
Wenjun He
Kim Spencer (Unlicensed)
MUSC SPARCRequest uses single-sign-on integration. If you are an MUSC employee, you can log in to SPARCRequest using your NetID and password.
If you are not an employee, someone on your study team will need to submit for an External Affiliate NetID on your behalf. You will then have access to SPARCRequest using this NetID and password. The affiliated NetID will grant research personnel access to SPARCRequest, CITI Training, eIRB, and REDCap. If they need access to any other systems, an MUSC badge, or an MUSC email, you will need to request a traditional MUSC NetID through HR.
If you go to your SPARC Dashboard, select the study and then scroll to the requested services, you can see the status of each service and the appropriate point of contact.
Yes. Please feel free to browse, select, and add services from any Service Provider, Program, and/or Core displayed in the system for any given research study/project.
No. You are only able to request services for one study/project at a time.
You can search for services using the search tool bar at the top of the SPARCRequest home page.
Your study may have been “Archived” or you may not be listed as an Authorized User within SPARCRequest for that particular study. Please work with your PI to make sure you have been added to all studies for which you should have access. The Requests column on SPARCDashboard now states “Request Access” when the logged in user does not have access to the selected protocol. Upon clicking Request Access and choosing which authorized user to notify, an automatic email is triggered to the chosen authorized user, and Cc’s the person who's requesting access, with reference to the Protocol ID and an direct URL to the protocol.
To view any Archived study, you can click the “Archive/Unarchive” switch on your SPARCDashboard home page from the left side “Filter Protocols” options, and then search for the study/project you are looking for. The system also sends an email to authorized users i.e. the study team; and service providers who have unfinished and non-draft requests on that study or project, who do not have “hold email” setting in SPARCCatalog manager turned on.
You can also archive or unarchive your study by clicking the “archive/unarchive” button in the top righthand corner when you are in the study in your SPARCDashboard.
You can add services to an existing protocol by selecting the green "+Add/Modify Requests" button, in the Request Services section, of your existing protocol inside SPARCDashboard.
A Research Study is an individual research protocol with defined aims and outcomes. A Research Project is a non-study specific service request or anything else that is not a study. All Studies that select the Human Subjects box will be required to enter a Research Master ID.
There may be required fields that are not filled out. The field causing error will be highlighted with red, with error message appearing under the field, which indicates what needs to be completed in order to move forward.
There is no limit to the number of authorized users you add to your study/project.
When clinical services are added to a protocol, the default arm "Screening Phase" is created by the system. The name can be edited, and additional arms or visits can be added as well.
The "service rate" is the actual cost of the services, and "your cost" is the amount that your study will be charged. Some services only charge if the study is corporate-funded, and others may receive a research discount which can lower "your cost."
There has to be a visit day entered to each visit in the calendar. If there are clinical services added to the protocol, a calendar is automatically created with one visit. You will need to enter a number on the Visit Day to continue.
For clinical services, you can change the number of participants for each arm on Step 3 (Service Details), or you can change the N number of participants in the calendar on a specific line item. For the number of services per visit, please fill in/update that information on the Step 3 page.
For non-clinical services, the quantity of requested service can be updated on Step 3 page.
You can upload any study documents you have, especially a study protocol. However, different service providers may ask for additional documents to complete their services.
Any studies going to Epic will need to be submitted to the Office of Clinical Research for a Prospective Reimbursement Analysis. Once all institutional requirements have been met, the OCR will push the study to Epic and send the study team instructions on how to activate the study in Epic.
You can access any existing study that you are an "Authorized User" on through the SPARCDashboard ( You can edit study information by going to the study you want to edit and clicking “Edit Study Information”. Other study information can be edited within the study homepage (i.e. Authorized Users, Milestones, Documents, and Forms).
If you have already requested the “Prospective Reimbursement Analysis (PRA)” service to initiate Office of Clinical Research (OCR) workflow for your clinical trial, please indicate on the OCR intake REDCap form that you will be using Nexus services.
If your study is a PRA Exception, you can add the Research Nexus Outpatient Visit service to your cart and submit it; this will notify the Research Nexus Navigator to begin reviewing your study. This request will prompt the Nexus to contact you to start building all of their services you need into the study calendar.
The original requester for your study/project defined both the funding source of the study/project and the indirect cost rate. SPARCRequest uses this data to calculate your total overall indirect costs.
All the protocol-information-only or authorized personnel updates (no calendar changes) are queued and automatically sent to Epic daily at 5 pm;
All calendar/timeline updates are reviewed by the Office of Clinical Research (OCR) and pushed to Epic manually by OCR admins accordingly.
The SPARCRequest team is happy to assist you! Please contact us at (843)792-8300 (select the SPARC Option) or via email at
Yes, these are required fields, but can be updated at any time if your timeline changes.
This is because your study already exists in SPARC. In the error message, it will indicate which SPARC ID is already using the RMID. Search all protocols through your SPARC Dashboard using that SPARC ID, and, if you do not have access you can request access at that time and proceed with adding the new service to that request.
Whenever a Prospective Reimbursement Analysis service is requested in SPARC, a review is automatically added. All studies requiring a PRA, also require a review to determine whether or not the study must be registered on
For unfunded studies, these are typically Student Funded Research or the College Department would be considered the funding source. This is because, although no additional funding is being granted, the College Department is covering your time to work on this study.
Your request may have not been submitted and is still in Draft. If it has not been submitted, the service provider is not notified that a request exists. Please go back to your SPARC Dashboard to check the status. If it is in Draft, click the green “Add/Modify Requests” button to go back to the SPARC homepage and hit “Save and Continue” through each step until you “Submit Request”. If this has been submitted and you have not heard anything, please contact SUCCESS@MUSC.EDU for assistance.
**Please ensure that you have clicked “Submit Request” before closing out of the SPARCRequest system. Otherwise the service provider will not be alerted that a request has been made.
SCTR Services
To request data from the Epic team, please submit a service request for a “Research Data Request” if this is for a research project. If this is for a Quality Improvement project, please select the QI Data Request service. If you are a student, resident or fellow that is leading a project, please select the “Student/Trainee Data Request” service.
The Regulatory Knowledge & Support Core within the SUCCESS Center would be happy to assist with submitting to the IRB. Please submit a service request for a “Human Subjects Regulatory Consultation” to request their assistance.
Email SUCCESS@MUSC.EDU and our Research Navigator will contact you regarding your presentation.
REDCap consultation and training services can be requested for both research and non-research projects. Please select their appropriate REDCap service located under SCTR -> REDCap in SPARCCatalog.
The REDCap team has a ticket system for receiving and assigning issues. Please submit a request for assistance via this link:
The biostatistics core within SCTR has a variety of services that they offer. Please review their services under SCTR-> Biostatistics, Design, & Epidemiology.
SCTR and their services are available to any MUSC faculty, student, or staff member.
Many SCTR services are free, including all of our consultative services offered through the SUCCESS Center. If you are unsure if a service is free, you may contact SUCCESS@MUSC.EDU or the service provider for more information.
SCTR is funded through a CTSA grant from the NIH. In order to maintain its funding, SCTR must be able to provide data as to how its services are being utilized across the research community at MUSC. By submitting service requests through SPARC, SCTR staff is able to track their time and effort against the grant. It also allows leadership to see which services are most needed by the research teams.
Yes. There are varying regulatory and process steps that can differ depending on if you are conducting research or a QI project. For guidance, you can complete an approval assessment here:
Please complete the following assessment to determine if you project is QI: If it is determined to be QI, you do not need to submit to the IRB.
To meet with a member of the Epic/BMIC team to determine if the data you want is available, please submit a SPARC request for a “Research Data Request”.
Time to fulfill a data request depends on the complexity of the data pull and the bandwidth of the team member doing to data pull. Please speak to your assigned analyst for more information on expected timing and options for moving ahead in the queue.
When creating an RMID, you must make sure to type the PI name (or email, or NetID) into the respective field and then wait while it searches the system and select the person from the dropdown list. If you just type the name into that field, it will not accept it.
Studies that do not require MUSC Health billable services (e.g., retrospective chart reviews, observational studies, etc.) will be determined by the PRA team to be PRA Exception. The PRA Team will provide study teams with documentation regarding PRA Exception.
Information on feeds directly from eIRB. Updating information such as the Recruitment Contact or Keywords can be done without an amendment. If you need to remove your study from or update the description, you will need to submit an amendment to the IRB.
This usually means the person has not yet registered with the REDCap system This is a two-step process. They must first register and then confirm their email address through a link that is sent to them. If they have not completed the second step to verify their email address, they will not appear in REDCap.
There is a variety of training available for new study staff including CITI training, ACRP elearning modules, and CCRT (to name a few). Information regarding training can be found here: or by going to the IRB website:
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