Step-by-Step SPARCRequest Deployment Notes for First-timer
(Initial Draft contributed by UC Irvine)
Set up Vagrant
vagrant init centos/7
Config private network "private_network", ip: ""
Config memory and cpus
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = "4096"
vb.cpus = 2
Add synced folder
mkdir data
config.vm.synced_folder "data/", "/vagrant_data"
Install Vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrantvbguest
vagrant vbguest
vagrant reload
Installation for SPARCRequest
Update Yum
sudo yum update
Install Httpd
sudo yum install y httpd
sudo yum install y httpd-devel
Install and run MySQL
sudo yum install y wget cd /opt
sudo wget
sudo rpm ivh mysqlcommunityreleaseel75.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install y mysqlserver
sudo systemctl start mysqld
sudo systemctl status mysqld
Temporarily give root permission to be connected remotely
mysql u root
GRANT ALL ON . TO 'root';
Install Ruby
I installed ruby 2.4.2p198
Based on my conversation with the SPARCRequest team, I don't think it has to be 1.9.3
sudo yum install y gitcore zlib zlibdevel gccc++ patch readline readlinedevel libyamldevel libffidevel openssldevel make bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison curl sqlitedevel vim
cd ~
git clone git:// .rbenv
git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/rubybuild echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init )"' >> ~/.bash_profile source ~/.bash_profile
rbenv install v 2.4.2
rbenv global 2.4.2
ruby -v
Install Rails
gem install rails
Configure based on multi_institutional_documentation
I didn't do this, so the email function and single signon functions haven't been set up yet
Install bundle
gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
Install capybara-webkit 1.14.0
sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum install -y qt5-qtwebkit-devel
QMAKE=/usr/lib64/qt5/bin/qmake gem install capybarawebkit v 1.14.0 (The default is >= 1.15.0)
echo 'export PATH="/usr/lib64/qt5/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Install curl-devel
sudo yum install -y curl-devel
Install curb 0.9.4
gem install curb -v '0.9.4'
Install mysql-devel
sudo yum install -y mysql-devel
Install mysql2 0.4.10
gem install mysql2 -v '0.4.10'
Mkdir /var/www/rails
sudo mkdir /var/www/rails
cd /var/www/rails
Chown permission on /var/www/rails
sudo chown vagrant:vagrant -R /var/www/rails
Git Clone SPARC Request Repository
cd /var/www/rails
git clone
Check out v3.3.0
cd sparc-request/
git checkout tags/release-3.3.0 -b uci-local-test
Setup config/database.yml
cd sparc-request
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Set the env to be development
RAILS_ENV="development" bundle install
RAILS_ENV="development" rake db:create
RAILS_ENV="development" rake db:migrate
Install Phusion Passenger
gem install passenger
NOTE:Need to install Passenger in a different location that can only be modified by root
Disable selinux
Install the Passenger Apache Module
Press enter
Press enter
chmod o+x ~
Rerun the passenger-install-apache2-module
Add these lines to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
sudo systemctl restart httpd
Create a virtual host entry for the application
This is not working with SPARCRequest (port is taken error), which needs to be fixed later
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerNamelocalhost
<Directory /var/www/rails/sparcrequest/public> Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all
Allow from all
sudo systemctl restart httpd
Depending on your settings you may need to chmod the application directory ( I had to chmod R 777 the directory to get write permissions for log and cache files to work with apache)
Initial Invoke for SPARCRequest
Create the initial institution and user
cd /var/www/rails/sparcrequest/
RAILS_ENV="development" rails console
require 'initial_cm_creation' run_initial_setup
Or: cd /var/www/rails/sparcrequest/
RAILS_ENV="development" rails console
Fix the error URL
Import the missing values (not in the reference)
cd /var/www/rails/sparcrequest/
cd lib/tasks/
rake import_permissible_values
Update navbar_links
Set up Super User
SPARCRequest (v3.12.1) and SPARCFulfillment (v3.5.1) User Rights
Create Provider
Create Program
Create Service
Status Options (Editable status)
At provider level, we can just use the default
At the program level, we need to checkout the status that we allow pi or other user to edit
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