SPARCRequest Wiki

SPARCFunding Technical Guide (v.3.12.1)

Brigette White 21 (41 days ago), Ying Wu 3 (848 days ago), harikrip 6 (1447 days ago)

Contributed by LA CaTS

This document describes configurations steps to enable the SPARCFunding Module.


To create a funding module that is only accessible to funding admins. The landing page should list all the existing funding opportunities provided by funding organizations with a link to the Download Documents page, where funding admins can view a complete list of ‘Application’ or ‘Pre-Application/LOI’ documents uploaded by applicants for the selected opportunity and/or download the documents of choice.


Funding admins – users with access to the funding module.

Funding organizations – Organizations created in SPARCCatalog Manager that offer funding opportunities as services. 

Funding statuses – statuses available in SPARCCatalog Manager for use by funding organizations.

Configuration changes

To turn the funding module on, do the following after migration/deployment.

Step 1. Rake Task

  • Bundle exec rake data:initialize_funding_related_permissible_values.

    • Rake task adds permissible values. Activating these is described in Step 2 below.

Step 2. Activate SPARCAdmin Permissible Values:

  • Verify data and activate each funding status record entry. Following fields should be the same for each status:

    • Category = ‘status’. This will be fully enabled by rake task.

    • Default = 0 (unchecked)

    • Active? = 1 (checked). This allows the statuses to display in SPARC and Catalog.






Application Accepted


Application Rejected


Application Submitted


Deadline Missed (Application)


Deadline Missed (Pre-Application/LOI)


Pre-Application/LOI Accepted


Pre-Application/LOI Rejected


Pre-Application/LOI Submitted


  • Verify & activate new document_types.

    • Category = ‘document_type’

    • Key = shortened name of document name (see document names below)

      • loi

      • application

    • Value = Full Document Name:

      • Pre-application/Letter of Intent

      • Application

    • Default = 0 (unchecked)

    • Active? = 1 (checked). This allows the document type to display in SPARC.


Step 3. Update SPARCAdmin settings table

***** The module is disabled by default. To use the Funding Module, set the use_funding_module setting to true, and update the funding_admins and funding_org_ids settings as described below ******

New Settings

  • use_funding_module - it is set to false by default; to use this module, change the value to true in the settings table.


  • funding_admins (as needed)

    • Add ‘funding admins’ users. as an array of ldap_uid (e.g., ["ldap_uid2", "ldap_uid2"]). The user information should come from SPARC service provider/admin user.

      • Assign the funding admin rights to a user by adding his/hers ldap_uid to the funding_admins array in the settings table.

        • Funding module is only accessible for users who have been granted the “funding admin” rights. Non-funding admins will not have access to the module in the navigation bar.


  • funding_org_ids (as needed)

    • Add the organization ids to the funding_org_ids (e.g., [100, 101, 102]) The organization (program name) should come from SPARC service provider/admin user.

      • If the Funding Organization is a new program, it must be created in SPARCCatalog to get an org_id. See how to do this in the SPARCCatalog User Guide or work with the service provider to create it based on catalog manager rights.

      • The added setting.funding_org_ids has to be the organization id that directly owns the services/funding opportunities, AND split/notify needs to be set at the organization level in Catalog Manager.

      • The new funding related statuses will be available to new/future organizations in SPARCCatalog Status Options.

      • For an existing organization that will be a funding organization, add the status in SPARCCatalog Status Options to the organization by making sure “use Default Statuses' in not checked, and checking the ‘Available’ checkbox.

        • Also check the ‘Editable' checkbox if service requests in that status should allow user editing. If the status is a ‘finished status’ (see below), checking Editable will allow new service requests after reaching that status.

        • The statuses can also be added directly in the editable_statuses and available_statuses database tables for the organizations.

Update Settings

  • finished_statuses (one-time only)

    • Add finished statuses: "loi_missed_deadline", "loi_rejected", "app_missed_deadline", "app_rejected" to the array.


Step 4. Update SPARCCatalog with status for the Organization

See SPARCFunding User Guide to complete if doing on behalf of organization ‘Add Funding Status to Catalog Manager’.


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