210917 SPARC OS Ops Agenda

SPARCRequest Wiki

210917 SPARC OS Ops Agenda


Sep 17, 2021



Royce Sampson, @Kyle Hutson (Unlicensed) , @Wenjun He , @Leila Forney Rechelle Paranal, Jillian Harvey


Royce Sampson, @Kyle Hutson (Unlicensed) , @Wenjun He , @Leila Forney Rechelle Paranal, Jillian Harvey

Case Western

Mike Warfe

Children’s National

Camilla Colvin, Hiroki Morizono


De O’Quinn, Nic Francisco


Brian Melancon


Kitt Swartz, Alina Dunbar, Kimberly Cook

Operations Story Review Updates

Roadmap Review (ProductPlan)

SPARC Interest

  • UNC - Chapel Hill

Discussion topics





Moving away from google docs to Wiki


Usability Discussion

Project - milestones not required whereas Study would be.

tooltips - ? definitions to discuss with team.


Steering and Ops discussion

potential for 2x year; or involve Leadership in Ops meeting as funding opportunities/guidance is required.

(SPARCDashboard) Tie Indirect Cost Rate In Budget Template Report to Configuration

  • who is using Indirect Cost Rate?

no OS partners utilizing indirect rate


SPARCAdmin - Permissible Values demo

  • potential for an excel export since there are a lot of permissible values

  • potential for sparcreport that provides detail around these (Date created, usage, order) - new feature

  • Hover over tooltips section to update on front-end

Surveys at different time points discussion

  • status

  • time

  • potential for status + time (i.e. 60 days from active) - this scenario would be the best option - look into this further with dev team.

  • potential to pair two similar programs (i.e. a nursing + lab that have different split notifies)

Follow-up Item: Adding button/handle/route for consolidated budget report (OHSU)

worked with developers to refine this report further; go-live ETA coming soon. Demo next call.

Action items


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