SPARCRequest Wiki
Fee Agreement Report (SPARCRequest v3.12.1)
This report provides information related to service fees and study budget.
No. | Column Name | Description | Database Name | Source | Type |
Study Summary | |||||
1 | Study ID/Project ID | System generated from SPARCRequest | | Automatically generated by SPARC application. | BIGINT(20) |
2 | Short Title | An abbreviated form of the title used to identify your study/project | protocols.short_title | Homepage, Short Title column | VARCHAR(255) |
3 | IRB | Institutional Review Board (IRB) System Generated Number(s). | irb_records.pro_number | SPARCRequest Step 2 and SPARCDashboard Protocol Information Page, Human Subject section | VARCHAR(255) |
4 | Date | Today’s date |
5 | Primary Investigator | Principal Investigator First and Last Name | project_roles.identity_id (role = primary-pi)(identities.first_name identities.last_name) | SPARCRequest Step 2 Authorized Users; One Primary PI is required on each protocol. SPARCDashboard Authorized Users | VARCHAR (255) |
6 | Sponsor Name | Name of the entity funding the project/study | protocols.potential_funding_source | SPARCRequest Step 2: Study Information (Required field when choosing pending funding). SPARCDashboard Study Information | VARCHAR(255) |
7 | Funding Source | System required field which indicates primary source of support for a study, which drives system pricing | protocols.funding_source | SPARCRequest Step 2: Study Information (Required field when choosing funded). SPARCDashboard Study Information | VARCHAR(255) |
Arms | |||||
8 | Arm Name | The name of the group or subgroup of participants in a clinical trial. | | Participant Tracker header “Current Arm” column | VARCHAR(255) |
9 | Enrollment | Total number of participants per Arm | arms.subject_count | SPARCRequest Step 3: Clinical Services SPARCDashboard, Admin Edit page, Clinical Services tab | INT(11) |
Budget Summary | |||||
10 | Total Non-Clinical Services Cost | The total cost of the one-time-fee (non-clinical) services | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
11 | Total Clinical Services Cost | The total cost of the per-patient (clinical) services | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
12 | Total Study Budget | The total cost of the one-time-fee (non-clinical) and per-patient (clinical) services | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
Non-Clinical Services | |||||
13 | Program | The level of organization in which the service belongs | sub_service_requests.organization_id ( | Set up in SPARCCatalog as split/notify | VARCHAR(255) |
14 | Service Name | The name of the study level activity | line_items.service_id ( | SPARCCatalog | VARCHAR(255) |
15 | Your Cost | The amount that your study will be charged | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
16 | Quantity | Quantity of service requested | sum (line_items.quantity) | SPARCRequest Step 3: Non-clinical Services SPARCDashboard, Admin Edit page, Non-clinical Services tab | (calculated) |
17 | Total | Total cost of the service based on quantity requested | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
18 | Service Notes | Line item notes on services that are entered by study team users and service providers | notes.body | SPARCRequest Step 3 Service Details Line Item Notes; SPARCDashboard Admin Edit, Non Clinical Services Tab, Line Item Notes. | TEXT |
Clinical Services (Other Services) | |||||
19 | Program | The level of organization in which the service belongs | sub_service_requests.organization_id ( | Set up in SPARCCatalog as split/notify | VARCHAR(255) |
20 | Service Name | The name of the procedure | line_items.service_id ( | SPARCCatalog Service Form, General Information | VARCHAR(255) |
21 | Service Cost | The fee (full rate) associated to the procedure | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
22 | Unit | Any unit of measurement (i.e. hours, each, slides, etc) | pricing_maps.unit_type | SPARCCatalog Service Form, Pricing Section | VARCHAR(255) |
23 | Enrollment | Total number of participants per Arm | arms.subject_count | SPARCRequest Step 3: Clinical Services SPARCDashboard, Admin Edit page, Clinical Services tab | INT(11) |
24 | (Visit Name) | The visit name and number of times a service will occur for a given subject | visits.research_billing_qty | SPARCRequest Step 3 and SPARCDashboard Admin Edit Clinical Services Tab | BIGINT(20) |
25 | Per Service Total | Service cost, per patient | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
26 | Service Notes | Line item notes on services that are entered by study team users and service providers | notes.body | SPARCRequest Step 3 Service Details Line Item Notes; SPARCDashboard Admin Edit, Clinical Services Tab, Line Item Notes. | TEXT |
27 | Total Visit Cost (Per Patient) | The sum of all service costs in a given visit for per-patient (clinical) services | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
28 | Arm Total | The sum of all service costs across all visits in a given arm for per-patient (clinical) services | calculated field | N/A | N/A |
Terms and Condition |
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