Status Definitions (based on SPARCRequest v3.12.1)

SPARCRequest Wiki

Status Definitions (based on SPARCRequest v3.12.1)


Statuses for All Users: (*color denotes database value*)


Submitted (submitted)

  • Default status indicating a user has submitted a request which is awaiting acknowledgment by administrator/service provider.

  • Notifies service providers of request.

  • Allows request to show up on canned reports.


Draft (draft)

  • A requester status to indicate the request has been started, but not yet ready for service providers.


Statuses Available Based on Your Program’s Workflow for All Service Providers: (color denotes database value) (*denotes statuses required for workflow*)

*Note: service providers can not change status of a request or assign "Owner" before it has been submitted by study team. 

Draft (draft)*

  • A requester status to indicate the request has been started, but not yet ready for service providers.

Get a Cost Estimate (get_a_cost_estimate)*

  • A status indicating that services have been selected for the purpose of obtaining cost estimates for budget building.


Submitted (submitted)*

  • Default status indicating a user has submitted a request which is awaiting acknowledgment by administrator/service provider.

  • Notifies service providers of request.

  • Using submit as a service provider (change the status from dropdown menu on SPARCDashboard Admin Edit page) will:

    • bypass the Epic Research Queue

    • bypass calendar validation

Complete (complete)*

  • Status assigned after request has been fulfilled.

  • Complete status allows additional request under the same service provider to be submitted.

  • Admin Users have the ability to switch between Complete, Invoiced, Withdrawn and Declined statuses (if all are enabled in SPARCCatalog) based on their specific workflow.

Active (ctrc_approved)

  • Services have been reviewed, approved (if applicable), and work fulfillment is underway by service provider.

Approved (approved)

  • Used by programs requiring a review and approval process prior to committing to provide services (usually related to funding commitments).


Awaiting Requester Response (awaiting_pi_approval)

  • Indicates the service provider requires information, response or action from requester (similar to draft, yet for service providers).

Declined (declined)

  • Used when a service request cannot be fulfilled (i.e. it has been disapproved during committee review, or requested service is not available)

  • Admin Users have the ability to switch between Complete, Invoiced, Withdrawn and Declined statuses (if all are enabled in SPARCCatalog) based on their specific workflow.


In Admin Review (ctrc_review)

  • Indicates the request has been preliminary reviewed and the service provider has attempted to contact the requester to potentially:

    • determine timeline

    • set up an appointment

    • inform user(s) of the next step in the process

    • “Request Owner” should be assigned to administrative reviewer, or service provider.

  • Service requests may only be “In Admin Review” for an interim duration if work fulfillment can begin immediately and status changes to “Active.”

  • Internal review of request, information, or requirements performed before work fulfillment can begin.


In Committee Review (committee_review)

  • For use when request is subject to a committee review prior to initiating work fulfillment.


In Fulfillment Queue (fulfillment_queue)

  • Used to indicate backlogged work awaiting fulfillment (all necessary information has been received from requester and work fulfillment is delayed).


In Process (in_process)

  • Service provider has reviewed the request and contacted the requester to determine timeline, set up an appointment, or inform of the next step in the process.

  • Indicates fulfillment is underway by service provider.

Invoiced (invoiced)

  • Applicable for billable services to indicate when a bill has been, or will be, sent to the business manager.

  • Admin Users have the ability to switch between Complete, Invoiced, Withdrawn and Declined statuses (if all are enabled in SPARCCatalog) based on their specific workflow.


On Hold (on_hold)

  • Used when service provider is required to stop requested work because they are waiting on additional resources, instruction, or information (i.e. FDA or sponsor hold, but no delay on service provider’s part)

Pending (pending)

  • Service provider has reviewed or triaged a request and that same request has been prioritized for the next available service provider to provide the service in the order that the requests were received. The status will then be changed once the service provider begins the work.


Withdrawn (withdrawn)

  • Applicable when the requester has indicated they no longer want the request fulfilled, at any point, after administrator/service provider has performed any work on the request (in admin review, in committee review, active, etc.)

  • Request should only be “deleted” if the request was submitted in error and no effort was given to request by administrative reviewer/service provider

  • Admin Users have the ability to switch between Complete, Invoiced, Withdrawn and Declined statuses (if all are enabled in SPARCCatalog) based on their specific workflow.

Status Set Up (available_status)

  1. This function can be setup in SPARCCatalog “Status Options” section by selecting or unselecting “Available Statuses” for each split/notify organization(s). The selected available statuses are going to be the ones displayed in SPARCDashboard Admin Edit status drop-down menu. 


Status Lock Configuration (editable_status)

Setting the ‘Editable’ checkbox determines if service requests can be edited (by requesters) when in that status. When the box is checked, requests can be edited for that status. Exceptions to this are ‘finished’ status (noted below) - when Editable box is checked, new service requests can be submitted after the currently open service request has reached that finished status.

  1. This function can be setup in SPARCCatalog “Status Options” section by selecting or unselecting “Editable Statuses” for each split/notify organization(s). For example, in the MUSC SPARCRequest instance, we defined the following statuses as “Editable Statuses” for the “Research Nexus” organization: Draft (by default), Submitted (by default), Awaiting Requester Response, Get a Cost Estimate, Active, Approved.

*Note: the Complete, Invoiced, Withdrawn and Declined status has to be checked as editable statuses, so that they can function as completed statuses that allow new service request to be submitted after the request has reached one of these statuses.

2. Trigger: this function is triggered by status changes made by authorized users from SPARCRequest, or by service providers from SPARCDashboard “Admin Edit” section.

3. Functionality: 

On SPARCRequest home page, by clicking the Modify Requests button, if the existing Research Nexus request is not in an “Editable Status”, it is considered ‘locked.” The services will show up in your shopping cart without the ‘X’ sign (as shown in the screenshot below). The Research Nexus organization also has a ‘LOCKED’ indicator on the service catalog, as well as a popup window which displays the contact information when clicked on.

On SPARCRequest Step 3 (Service Details), the “locked” services show up highlighted with the lock sign next to them (shown below). For those services, no edits are allowed to be made on the study calendar, until the service provider moves it back into an editable status.

Completed Status (finished_status) Reconfiguration

Trigger: Inside the SPARCDashboard "Admin Edit" section, when a request has been changed to "Complete," "Invoiced," “Withdrawn" or “Declined” status by a service provider, the status drop-down box is now locked so it can't be switched back to an active status. This was implemented as part of the completed requests reconfiguration, so that it is possible for an authorized user to add another request with the same service(s) previously completed.

Function: To add new requests, or edit existing ones, the authorized user can click the "Add/Modify Request" button, which will re-direct to SPARCRequest Step 1.

Add_mod req.png

To request the services again from the same service provider, users can search key words in the search box or browse the service catalog on the left to find and add them. A new 4-digit ID will be generated for the newly added services.

On the Step 3 (Service Details) page, services with finished statuses - "Complete", “Invoiced”, “Withdrawn” or “Declined” - requests are highlighted in green when these statuses were also indicated as editable in SPARCCatalog.  These requests are locked and no longer editable on all three tabs. As shown below, the “Complete” Clincard and Voucher service(s), are highlighted on the calendar in green and locked, and new service requests of the same type have been drafted and are still editable.

If these finished statuses were not indicated in SPARCCatalog as editable, the service request would have been highlighted in red and no additional service requests could be submitted.


finished_not editable.png


When clicking “Submit” or “Save As Draft” on Step 5: Review Your Request, the finished service requests will not be affected.


Updateable Status Reconfiguration

Updateable_statuses can be set up for the whole application in application.yml.  This class of statuses represents the ones that can be updated (when the protocol is re-submitted on Step 5: Review Your Request). Currently, the updatable_statuses being used at MUSC are: draft, first_draft, get_a_cost_estimate, awaiting_pi_approval, on_hold.

(SPARCRequest Step 5: Review Your Request)


Status Available with SPARCFunding Module

For institutions using SPARCFunding, additional status are available for programming. See more information on these statuses in the SPARCFunding Technical Guide.


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