(SPARCRequest) Improve Background Submit Process Time - move the submission in SPARC Step 5 to be a background process so as to not hold up the submission process.
Current order:
user click submit in Step 5,
pop up survey modal,
user says no to survey (or yes, completes and goes to next step),
select request to submit pop up modal,
user choses requests to send and clicks submit,
[processing occurs] - these are what will move to ‘background’, presenting next part to user
(edited) submission confirmation page displays,
user can go to protocol or otherwise use SPARC.
Discussion development method -
where/when processing happens processing timing & influence
what’s currently happening during the ‘click submit’ and confirmation page steps. affects of moving that behind the scenes to allow SPARC navigation
consider order with other story stories (SPARCRequest) Change When System Satisfaction Survey Appears and (SPARCRequest) Add MOU pop-up when user submits a request, do not proceed unless user agrees
is the delivery tied to the service request status change
how it handles delays and unsuccessful submits