This Miniguide is meant to explain what are Protocol Milestones and their purpose:
Protocol Milestones can be found in Step 2: Protocol Information of the Submission process and on the protocol in SPARCDashboard:
SPARCRequest | SPARCDashboard |
Funding Type - College Department, Federal, Investigator-Initiated/Industry-Sponsored, Internal Funded Pilot Project, Student Funded Research:
Only have Start/End Dates and Estimated Recruitment Start/End Dates
Funding Type - Industry-Initiated/Industry-Sponsored (See Screenshots Above):
Has Start/End Dates, Estimated Recruitment Start/End Dates, Initial Budget Sponsor Received Date, Initial Amount Per Patient, Initial Site Level Amount Offered, Budget Agreed Upon Date, Negotiated Amount Per Patient, Negotiated Site Level Amount
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If you don’t know what the timeline for your request would be, you can enter temporary dates to move the submission process along. Once you do have confirmed dates, you can go back and fill them in via SPARCDashboard Caveat: If you study/project is connected with eIRB, then once your study dates are set, you will not be able to change the Milestones from SPARCRequest/SPARCDashboard. You will have to go and change this information in eIRB |