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Enabling Form Functionality as a Catalog Manager
SPARCForms User Guide for Service Providers
As part of the SPARCRequest submission process, Form Functionality allows Service Providers to ask their customers service-specific questions that will help them to efficiently and effectively fulfill each request. It provides a flexible and powerful form creation tool and admin interface to empower Catalog managers and service providers to extend SPARC's data management to meet their unique needs.
How to Utilize Form Functionality as a SPARCRequest General User
Now that the Form Functionality has been built in SPARCCatalog at both the Service and Organization level, users are able to use the Form Functionality to provide additional details to service providers.
If selected services in SPARCDashboard have forms that still need attention, the Forms column will show next to your request(s) in Red color.
After a form is filled out, it is then viewable and/or editable from the SPARCDashboard "Form Submissions" table.