April 17, 2018
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We have tagged the latest releases of SPARCRequest(v3.2.0) and SPARCFulfillment(v2.7.5) on GitHub. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Check out the link below for the new features and bug fixes included with the new release!
180417-SPARCRequest v3.2.0 +SPARCFulfillment v2.7.5
List of rake tasks and configuration changes with this release:
Update the Version Number to v3.2.0 in .env for the footer
Add SPARCInfo onto Navigation
Bundle exec rake remove_or_update_SR_in_first_draft_status (file "remove_or_update_SR.csv" is created in the tmp directory, optional script for removing historical first_draft Service Requests
For more information, please contact:
-The SPARC Team
January 29, 2018
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We have tagged the latest releases of SPARCRequest(v3.1.0) and SPARCFulfillment(v2.7.0) on GitHub. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Check out the link below for the new features and bug fixes included with the new release!
180129-SPARCRequest v3.1.0 +SPARCFulfillment v2.7.0
List of rake tasks and configuration changes with this release:
bundle exec rake data:restore_service_requester_id (optional, for recovering possible missing service requester data)
bundle exec rake data:fix_historical_epic_queues (optional, for recover previous epic queue entries)
For more information, please contact:
-The SPARC Team
October 31, 2017
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We have tagged the latest releases of SPARCRequest(v3.0.0b) and SPARCFulfillment(v2.6.5) on GitHub. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Check out the link below for the new features and bug fixes included with the new release!
171024-SPARCRequest v3.0.0b +SPARCFulfillment v2.6.5
List of rake tasks and configuration changes with this release:
use_cas: false
use_cas_only: false
lazy_load_ldap: true
.env needs: org_logo=/assets/sctr_header_sized.jpg
.env needs: institution_logo=/assets/musc_header.jpg
.env needs: institution=....
.env needs: SPARC_VERSION=v3.0.0
bundle exec rake import_permissible_values
bundle exec rake data:restore_service_requester_id (optional, for recovering service requester data that were missing caused by a bug, see #8 on the release note)
ENVIRONMENT=testing, TESTING_EMAIL=...@... (in .env)
For more information, please contact:
-The SPARC Team
September 13, 2017
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We have tagged the latest releases of SPARCRequest(v3.0.0a) and SPARCFulfillment(v2.6.0) on GitHub. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Check out the link below for the new features and bug fixes included with the new release!
170829-SPARCRequest v3.0.0a +SPARCFulfillment v2.6.0
There are no rake tasks or configuration changes with this release.
For more information, please contact:
-The SPARC Team
July 20, 2017
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We are proud to announce that MUSC hosted the 1st annual SPARCRequest Open Source Governance Retreat on June 19th to 21st, 2017, with 4 CTSA Hubs (Iowa, Utah, Children’s National, MUSC) and 1 IDeA State CTR Hub (LA CaTS) participated, which represent 20 institutions.
The national SPARCRequest Open Source Governance is comprised of Steering Subcommittee, Technical Subcommittee, Operational Logistics Subcommittee, as well as an Evaluation Team. MUSC, Iowa and Utah were awarded a CTSA Grant Administrative Supplement Award to support the development of this governance structure that will support sustainability, co-development and institutional adoption of SPARCRequest. The Administrative Supplement is a 2 year award from NCATS with a total award of $853,998. This is an exciting opportunity for us to expand SPARC to other CTSA Hubs and the IDeA State CTR Hubs and to explore options to support the national CTSA Trial Innovation Network.
The highlights of this 2017 retreat includes:
Agreement on branding and promotion of SPARCRequest. The OS governance group defined SPARCRequest as a "Research Transaction Management System" for clarifying its functionality and branding;
Experience and lessons learnt through the SPARC implementation process were shared among institutions;
Each institution demonstrated their site-specified customization during the retreat;
Prioritization of the SPARC OS project task list was discussed;
Technical team members worked collaboratively during the Code-A-Thon to initiate the clean code base and convert the configuration and constants settings in the application into database (and eventually through user interface) to make the adoption/deployments easier.
We are looking forward to the future collaborations with our OS partners for further improvement to SPARCRequest!
-The SPARC Team
July 12, 2017
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We have tagged the new releases of SPARCRequest(v2.1.0) and SPARCFulfillment(v2.5.5) on GitHub. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Check out the link below for the new features and bug fixes included with the new release! The feature highlights in the new versions include Freezing Header Rows on Visit Calendars on SPARCRequest and SPARCDashboard (see SPARCRequest #10), Coverage Analysis Report on SPARCDashboard (see SR #27), and Participant List and Participant Tracker tabs merge with SPARCFulfillment (see SPARCFulfillment #4), etc.
170712-SPARCRequest v2.1.0 +SPARCFulfillment v2.5.5
Below is a list of the rake tasks and configuration changes that needs to be done with this release:
1). bundle exec rake study_type_question_3_fix
2). bundle exec rake merge_srs
3). bundle exec rake fix_ssr_ids
1). USE_INDIRECT_COST=false (needs added to .env)
For more information, please contact:
-The SPARC Team
May 18, 2017
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We have tagged the new releases of SPARCRequest(v2.0.5) and SPARCFulfillment(v2.5.0) on the MUSC branch on GitHub, as well as the OS branch. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Check out the link below for the new features and bug fixes included with the new release!
170509-SPARCRequest v2.0.5+SPARCFulfillment v2.5.0
Below is a list of the rake tasks and configuration changes that needs to be done with this release:
1). Bundle exec rake data:update_protocol_filters
2). Add sparc-rails_backup database entry to database.yml
3). Bundle exec rake data:fix_notes_with_wrong_dates (for fixing the wrong note dates from a past migration on 6/20/2016, using notes data from a backup version)
4).Application.yml change:
set up site_admins
and update users for epic_queue_access
5). Application.yml change:
set up redcap_token for the SPARC/RedCap API
6). Bundle exec rake data:replace_arm_name_special_characters
For more information, please contact:
-The SPARC Team
March 28, 2017
Hi Open Source Community,
The University of Iowa has accepted the lead institution role in running the Operations/Logistics subcommittee for SPARC Open Source Governance. In this role, Iowa is in charge of ensuring the flow of communication between each subcommittee and participating institutions. In an effort to reach the sites currently using SPARC, and continue to add members to our Operations Committee (one call each month), we ask that those institutions using SPARC join our committee to help shape the way it is used in the future.
The overarching goal is to first transition SPARC to an open source application that offers each institution an opportunity to provide input toward improving functionality and even voicing new ideas. Each institution may understandably utilize SPARC in different ways, so the operations committee will work to identify key areas for improvement. The perceived success of implemented changes to SPARC will be based on feedback from each institution, which is the reason we hope to collaborate with everyone interested in participating on the monthly call. This will help to provide better direction for achieving desirable milestones.
As you may recall, in late 2016 there was a transition from MUSC hosting a monthly update call, to now having an Open Source Governance Committee platform. The committee is compiled of three subcommittees that include a Steering, Operations/Logistics, and Technical subcommittee. There is currently representation (pertaining to future development and sustainability) from MUSC, Iowa, Utah, LA CaTS, and VCU on all three of the subcommittees. The immediate goal is to better understand how each institution uses SPARC, to provide infrastructure and resources for SPARC, as well as to weigh/discuss pros and cons experienced at each site to enhance future functionalities.
-SPARCRequest OS Committee
March 27, 2017
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We have tagged the new releases of SPARCRequest(v2.0.0) and SPARCFulfillment(v2.4.5) on the MUSC branch on GitHub, as well as the OS branch. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Check out the link below for the new features and bug fixes included with the new release!
SPARCRequest v2.0.0+SPARCFulfillment v2.4.5
Below is a list of the rake tasks and configuration changes that needs to be done with this release:
1). bundle exec rake remove_duplicate_past_status
2). bundle exec rake surveyor FILE=surveys/SCTR_customer_satisfaction_survey.rb
3). bundle exec rake surveyor FILE=surveys/system_satisfaction_survey.rb
4). bundle exec rake fix_otf_service_associations
5). bundle exec rake data:remove_invalid_identities
6). bundle exec rake data:replace_arm_name_special_characters
7). bundle exec rake professional_organizations_update
8). bundle exec rake add_service_request_to_dashboard_protocols
9). bundle exec rake data:fix_missing_ssr_ids
10). Add "finished_statuses: [‘complete’, ‘withdrawn’]" into application.yml
For more information, please contact:
-The SPARC Team
February 9, 2016
Dear SPARC OS Community,
We have tagged the new releases of SPARCRequest(v1.9.5) and SPARCFulfillment(v2.4.0) on the MUSC branch on GitHub. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Check out the link below for the new features and bug fixes included with the new release!
170131-SPARCRequestv1.9.5+SPARCFulfillmentv2.4.0 (MUSC)
Note that items tagged with (SPARCRequest Database) or (SPARCFulfillment Database) are the changes involving data structural changes/migrations.
For more information, please contact:
-The SPARC Team
January 6, 2017
The latest SPARCRequest release can now be found on GitHub. We have implemented a few bug fixes that were in relation to to our last deployment. Please see SPARCRequest v1.9.1 for the list of fixes.
The source code can be found on GitHub.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
-The SPARC Team
December 23, 2016
Dearest Open Source SPARCRequesters,
Happy Holidays! Thank you so much for your amazing support during 2016!
May the the wonder of the holiday season stay with you throughout the coming year of 2017!
-The SPARC Team
December 19, 2016
Dear SPARC Open Source Community,
We are proud to announce the new releases of SPARCRequest and SPARCFulfillment. This new SPARCRequest release (v1.9.0) includes the bootstrap SPARCRequest updates.
Check out the link below for the new features and big fixes included with the new release!
161219-SPARCRequestv1.9.0 & SPARCFulfillmentv2.3.5 New Features and Bug Fixes List
We would like to express our thanks to LA CaTS for their contributions to strengthen the security of both applications in this release.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
-The SPARC Team
December 14, 2016
Hi OS Community,
We have decided to cancel our December national call due to the holidays. If members have questions in the interim, please feel free to contact us directly. The SPARC Team wants to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays!
Phone: 843-792-8300
-The SPARC Team
December 9, 2016