How-To-Guide for research teams and service providers in requesting additional services on an existing, active SPARC protocol.
Step 1: Access Protocol from SPARCDashboard
Step 2: Scroll down to the “Request - Submitted” Table in the Protocol
Step 3: Click “+ Add/Modify Requests” Button
Step 4: Complete SPARCRequest Steps 1-4 to Add New Services to the Protocol
Step 5: Review & Submit the Request in SPARCRequest Step 5
Step 6: Complete the Survey (optional)
Step 7: Select the New or Updated Services you want to Submit and Click Submit
Step 8: Go to Protocol in SPARCDashboard to Double Check your Request if it was Submitted
Secondary Method
Step 1: Find the protocol SPARCDashboard
Step 2: Click the Requests Button located in the Requests Column (This only works if you are part of the study or services have previously submitted)
Step 3: Click the “+ Add/Modify Requests” button in the pop up
Step 4: Complete SPARCRequest Steps 1-5 to Add New Services and Re-Submit you Protocol