Wenjun He 3 (1543 days ago)
Hardware recommendations: 2 CPUs 4gb of memory 50gb of hard disk space (things to consider: # of documents per service request and size of mysql instance)
Software requirements: apache (sometimes referred to as httpd)
apache-devel (sometimes referred to as httpd-devel)
mysql ruby (see .ruby-version)
From a brand new server:
Install Apache
Install MySQL
Install the dependencies for Ruby
Install Ruby either from source or by using RVM (instructions for installing RVM can be found at rvm.io)
Verify that ruby is the correct version, ruby –version
Clone the git repository to a location on the server (/var/www/rails is a good location)
Depending on the environment that is configured (staging/production/testing/etc) go into the application folder and run
RAILS_ENV=environment_chosen bundle install
RAILS_ENV=environment_chosen rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=environment_chosen rake db:migrate
Set the application configurations to your liking (stored in 'settings' table)
Install the phusion passenger gem: gem install passenger
Install the passenger apache module: passenger-install-apache2-module
Follow the instructions provided by the passenger apache module install script.
Create a virtualhost entry for the application which points to the public folder (so if your app is at /var/www/rails/sparc-rails then the DocumentRoot and Directory should be /var/www/rails/sparc-rails/public)
You will need to set:
Options -MultiViews
And (depending on your settings) you may need to set:
AllowOverride all
Allow from all
Depending on your settings you may need to chmod the application directory (I had to chmod -R 777 the directory to get write permissions for log and cache files to work with apache)
Restart apache
The application can easily be setup to deploy using Capistrano or any other automated deployment method. RVM can also be used to manage the ruby versions used. See doc/musc_installation_example.txt for an example.
Once the Installation is complete you will need to create your initial institution and user. To do this follow these steps:
While in the application folder (if the examples here were followed then /var/www/rails/sparc-rails) run the command: RAILS_ENV=chosen_environment rails console (where chosen_environment is the environment whose database you want to access)
Once in the console enter: require ‘./app/lib/initial_cm_creation’, then enter: ‘run_initial_setup’ and follow the instructions.
NOTE: This tool should only be used to set up your initial institution and user, as it creates users with admin privileges.