SPARCRequest Initial Readiness Checklist

SPARCRequest Wiki

SPARCRequest Initial Readiness Checklist


Please use this checklist to form a comprehensive review of the readiness of your institution for SPARCRequest adoption. 

Attributes of the Change

  1. Vision Clarity

    1. There are legitimate reasons for you to introduce SPARCRequest (a research transaction management system) in your institution.

    2. There are a number of rational reasons for the deployment of a new information system.

    3. Is this a replacement of existing system, or a completely new system implementation?

    4. A new computer-based system is needed to improve the evaluation and outcome tracking of your services.

  2. Change Appropriateness

    1. Users in your institution will benefit from the use of SPARCRequest.

    2. The deployment of SPARCRequest matches the priorities of your institution.

    3. The implementation of SPARCRequest will prove to be best for your institution.

  3. Change Efficacy

    1. You know other institutions who have had successful experiences with SPARCRequest.

    2. SPARCRequest has been successfully deployed in institutions similar to yours.

    3. SPARCRequest has received positive reviews.

Leadership Support

  1. Top-management support

    1. Leaders in your institution are committed to the deployment of SPARCRequest.

    2. Leaders in your institution(s) have stressed the importance of this change. Leaders have sent a clear message that the deployment of SPARCRequest will occur in your institution.

    3. Leaders have encouraged users to embrace the upcoming deployment of SPARCRequest.

  2. Presence of an effective champion

    1. There is a champion who actively promotes the deployment of a system in your institution.

    2. There is a champion who will be able to push the project over or around implementation hurdles.

Internal Context

  1. Institutional history of change

    1. Your institution has successfully implemented other technological changes in recent years.

    2. Your institution has success when undertaking changes.

    3. Information technology initiatives have been encouraged in your institution.

  2. Institutional conflicts and politics

    1. Mutual trust and cooperation among staff in your institution is strong.

    2. The climate in your organization encourages conflict resolution. 

    3. Users are encouraged to offer solutions.

  3. Institutional flexibility

    1. Your institution is structured for quick changes.

    2. A change procedure process exists in your institution.

    3. Policies and procedures in your organization allow you to take on new challenges effectively.

*Reference article: 

Paré GSicotte CPoba-Nzaou PBalouzakis G., Implement Sci. 2011 Feb 28;6:15, Clinicians' perceptions of organizational readiness for change in the context of clinical information system projects: insights from two cross-sectional surveys.

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