SPARCRequest Wiki
SPARCFulfillment Auditing Report Data Dictionary and Sample Report (v3.5.1)
Clinical Services
Reports on service modifications completed in SPARCFulfillment.
No. | Column Name | Description | Database Name | Source | Type |
1 | Protocol ID | System generated from SPARCRequest | protocols.sparc_id | Protocol page SRID column | INT(11) |
2 | RMID | A unique numeric identifier that links a research study across multiple MUSC electronic research systems. | protocols.research_master_id | Protocol page RMID column | INT(11) |
3 | Patient Name | Name of participant | participants.first_name + participants.last_name | Participant Tracker header “Participant Name” column | VARCHAR(255) |
4 | Patient ID | Participant's Medical Record Number | participants.mrn | Participant Tracker header “ID” column | VARCHAR(255) |
5 | Arm Name | The name of the group or subgroup of participants in a clinical trial. | | Participant Tracker header “Current Arm” column | VARCHAR(255) |
6 | Visit Name | The name the protocol uses to identify a visit. | | Participant Tracker name of the selected visit | VARCHAR(255) |
7 | Service Completion Date | The date the procedure is completed | procedures.completed_date | Participant Tracker “Completed Date” date selector | DATETIME |
8 | Marked as Incomplete Date | The date the service is indicated as not complete | procedures.incompleted_date | System generated date stamp when a Procedure status is changed to “Incomplete” on Participant Tracker | DATETIME |
9 | Marked with Follow-Up Date | The date the service is being rescheduled | tasks.due_at | System generated date stamp when a Procedure “Follow Up” button is clicked upon on Participant Tracker | DATETIME |
10 | Added? | Field to identify if the service is part of the original study schedule or if it has been added as a one-off for a participant | Added: meaning Procedures.visit_id is NULL | Created when “Add Service” button is clicked upon on Participant Tracker | (not an actual database attribute) |
11 | Nexus Core | Grouping of the services by each Nexus core (MUSC specific) | procedures.sparc_core_name | Participant Tracker “Procedures” table Organization grouping | VARCHAR(255) |
12 | Core Services Start Time | The time entered to indicate when the Visit’s group of Core/Program procedures began for participant. Unique times apply to each Core/Program’s services, rather than to individual services. | procedure_groups.start_time | Participant Tracker Appointments Core/Program Start Time | DATETIME |
13 | Core Services End Time | The time entered to indicate when the Visit’s group of Core/Program procedures ended for participant. Unique times apply to each Core/Program’s services, rather than to individual services. | procedure_groups.end_time | Participant Tracker Appointments Core/Program End Time | DATETIME |
14 | Service Name | The name of the procedure or study level activity | fulfillments.service_name | Participant Tracker page “Procedures” column | VARCHAR(255) |
15 | Completed? | Whether the chosen procedure has been completed | procedures.status = complete? | Participant Tracker page “Status” column switch button | VARCHAR(255) |
16 | Billing Type (R/T/O) | Payor of the chosen service (Research, Third Party, Other?) | procedures.billing_type | Participant Tracker page “R/T” column dropdown menu | VARCHAR(255) |
17 | If not completed, reason and comment | The reason added for not completing a clinical service | Notes.notable_type = Procedures & notes.kind = reason; notes.reason, and notes.comment | Participant Tracker “Add Note” popup window when “Incomplete” button is clicked on a procedure | VARCHAR(255); VARCHAR(255) |
18 | Follow-Up date and comment | The date and comment entered for the assigned clinical provider to follow up with fulfilling a clinical service | Notes.notable_type = Procedures & notes.kind = followup; Tasks.due_at; notes.comment, | Participant Tracker “Follow Up” popup window when clicking “Follow Up” | DATE; VARCHAR(255) |
19 | Cost | The cost of the fulfilled clinical service. Is whichever rate applies: service rate, funding discount rate, override rate or modified rate. | procedures.service_cost/100 | Logic-drive cost from pricing map set up in SPARCCatalog or admin rate | INT(11) |
20 | Notes | System generated information and clinical provider short, informal messages | notes.comment | System generated status, date change, and manually entered notes from participant tracker page | TEXT |
Sample Report
Non-Clinical Services
Reports on service modifications completed in SPARCRequest.
No. | Column Name | Description | Database Name | Source | Type |
1 | Protocol ID (SRID) | System generated from SPARCRequest | protocols.sparc_id | Protocol page header SRID column | Int(11) |
2 | RMID | Research Master ID created by study team | protocols.research_master_id | Protocol page RMID column | Int(11) |
3 | Short Title | An abbreviated form of the title used to identify your study/project | protocols.short_title | Homepage Short Title Column | Varchar(255) |
4 | Principal Investigator | Primary PI; responsible person of a study | Project_roles.role = ‘primary_pi’ | Protocol Page header “Principal Investigator” column | Varchar(255) |
5 | Organization | The SPARCCatalog abbreviation of the service provider organization | (SPARCRequest) organizations.abbreviation | Homepage Provider/Program/Core | Varchar(255) |
6 | Service Name | The name of the procedure or study level activity | line_items.service_id, (SPARCRequest) | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Service column | Varchar(255) |
7 | Account | User Defined Accounting Key (i.e. UDAK) Number | line_items.account_number | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Account column | Varchar(255) |
8 | Contact | The person to contact regarding financial information related to a study | line_items.contact_name | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Contact column | Varchar(255) |
9 | Quantity Type | Unit of measurement for Non-clinical services | line_item.quantity_type | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Type column | Varchar(255) |
10 | Unit Cost | Cost per quantity type measurement. Is whichever rate applies: service rate, funding discount rate, override rate or modified rate. | Logic-driven calculation based on pricing map, funding source and admin rate | SPARCRequest Service Cost | N/A |
11 | Quantity Requested | Number of Non-clinical services requested for the study | line_items.quantity_requested | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Requested column | Decimal (10,2) |
12 | Quantity Fulfilled | The number of how many study level activities (fulfillment quantities) have been completed | sum (fulfillments.quantity) | Non-clinical Services Tab, Fulfillments List, “Quantity” Column | (calculated) |
13 | Quantity Remaining | Requested Non-clinical services not yet fulfilled | Calculated value | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Remaining column | N/A |
14 | Total Cost | The quantity fulfilled times the unit cost equals the total cost | Calculated value | N/A | N/A |
15 | Percent Subsidy | Percent of Current Request Cost to be covered by Service Provider | SPARC subsidies.percent_subsidy | Entered in SPARCRequest Step 3A Percent Subsidy | FLOAT |
16 | Service Started Date | The date the service has begun | line_items.started_at | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Started column | Datetime |
17 | Components | The provider defined elements of a service | components.component | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Components column | Varchar(255) |
18 | Last Fulfillment Date | The last date the procedure or study level activity has been completed | max(fulfillments.fulfilled_at) | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Last Fulfillment column | Datetime |
19 | Notes | Short informal messages | notes.comment (notable_type = “LineItem”) | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Actions column “Notes” | Text |
20 | Documents | Uploaded electronic information | documents (documentable_type = “Fulfillment”) | Protocol Page “Non-clinical Services” tab Actions column “Documents” | Document |
21 | Fields Modified | Non Clinical service audit history as edited in SPARCRequest/SPARCDashboard | generated from versions.object_changes | N/A | N/A |
22 | Date | The date which fields have been modified | versions.created_at | N/A | N/A |
23 | Non-Clinical Services Total | The total cost of the Non-clinical Services. The sum of Total Cost of individual services. Each listed service is calculated once. | Calculated value | N/A | N/A |
24 | Total Cost after Subsidy | The total cost of Non-clinical Total after percent of Current Request Cost has been removed. Total Cost minus % Subsidy. | Calculated value | N/A | N/A |
Sample Report
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