SPARCRequest Wiki
Protocol Merges Report Data Dictionary (SPARCRequest v3.12.1)
This report provides information for protocols that have been merged together. The resulting report identifies protocol-specific information which includes the merge date, master (remaining) protocol, subordinate (merged) protocol, person performing the merge and the master protocol short title, PI and IRB Pro number.
Data Dictionary
No. | Column Name | Description | Database Name | Source | Type |
1 | Date of Merge | The date on which the merge occurred | protocol_merges.updated_at | Date merge occurred | DATETIME |
2 | Master Protocol ID | The remaining protocol to which all other protocols have been merged | protocol_merges.master_protocol_id | Study other protocols are merged into using the SPARCDashboard, Merge Protocols action | INT(11) |
3 | Subordinate Protocol ID | List of historically merged protocols | protocol_merges.merged_protocol_id | Studies merged into another protocol using the SPARCDashboard, Merge Protocols action | INT(11) |
4 | Merged By | Administrator who performed the merge | protocol_merges.identity_id (identities.first_name identities.last_name) OR ‘Backend Admin’ if protocol_merges.identity_id is NULL | Pulled from LDAP for the logged-in user or added for Backend merges | VARCHAR(255) |
5 | Short Title | An abbreviated form of the title used to identify your study/project | protocols.short_title | SPARCRequest Step 2: Study Information (Required field); This field is auto-updated when RMID is used via the SPARC/RMID API. SPARCDashboard Study Information | VARCHAR(255) |
6 | PI | Principal Investigator | identities.first_name identities.last_name | SPARCRequest Step 2 Authorized Users; One Primary PI is required on each protocol. SPARCDashboard Authorized Users | VARCHAR(255) |
7 | IRB# | Institutional Review Board (IRB) System Generated Number. | irb_records.pro_number | SPARCRequest Step 2: Study Information - Research Involving Section; This field is logic-driven by "Human Subject" checkbox. This number is auto-filled and updated by the SPARC/RMID API for verified RMID associated eIRB records. SPARCDashboard Study Information | VARCHAR(255) |
Sample Report
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