Release Date: March 18, 2019
Research Master ID New Features and Bug Fixes (version 1.3.0)
1. (RMID) Update Email Contact on Homepage and RMID Emails
In this release, the email address shown on the RMID homepage and in the RMID system-generated emails has been changed to
2. (RMID) (RMID) PI on an RMID should be Able to Edit/Delete
A previous bug prevented a PI rights to delete a RMID record. In this release, this bug has been fixed and the PI now has the same rights to that RMID as the creator:
1). ability to delete the record
2). ability to edit the record when it's not validated yet
3. (RMID) Email Notifications Bug
A previous bug prevented RMID email notifications from being sent. This bug has since been fixed and emails are back to working as they should.
4. (RMID) Ability to Edit Funding Source and Research Type Fields after eIRB Validation
Previously, all RMID fields were tied to the eIRB validation flag, so that the "Edit" button was locked once the associated eIRB record was beyond approval. However, RMID users needed a way to update the two fields that were entered into RMID and exist in RMID only. In this release, users (RMID creator, PI, and RMID admins) now have the ability to edit and update the two fields ("Funding Source" and "Research Type") even after the eIRB validation is flagged on a record.
5.(RMID) Research_masters. department Migration to Users Table: Part 2
The department data from PRISM has been restructured in RMID to linking to the users.department instead. The following changes have been made:
1). The "Department" showing on a RMID record is now reading from the users.department for the associated PI on the RMID record;
2). research_masters.department column has been removed;
3). When a new user is pulled into the users table, his/her department is subsequently pulled from the PRISM API.
6. (RMID)