Release Date: October 24, 2018
Research Master ID Site New Features and Bug Fixes (v1.2.5)
1. (RMID/eIRB API) Update Configuration
RMID configuration has been updated to coincide with the recently updated eIRB server settings.
.(RMID) Change API Data Refresh Schedule
Background: eIRB imaging site creates the snapshot data every 15 minutes from 10, 25, 40, 55 of every hour.In order to shorten the time in-between the RMID data refresh and the eIRB one, so that the updates made in eIRB system is reflected more timingly, we should change the RMID eIRB refresh schedule to every hour (7:05, 8:05, etc) instead.
(RMID) eIRB API Update: Add eIRB Fields
Background: Now that the 3 eIRB dates (Initial eIRB Approval Date, Current eIRB Approval Date, eIRB Expiration Date) are pulled into RMID backend, we need to expose these attributes via the RMID API so that they can be used in SPARCRequest. In addition, the eIRB Pro# should be exposed.
(RMID API) Expose CoeUs Project ID
(RMID) Research_masters. department Migration to Users Table
For the pi_department information that's currently stored in the research_masters table, could we integrate that into the users table as well, or reference out to the existing departments table?
Department (affiliation) logically is tied with the user.
Note that this is also part of preparation for us to unify the department fields for each user to get ready for using a single source in the future (from PRISM or else).
(RMID) Protocol PI Update for Complete eIRB Studies
When a PI moves to a different institution, their eIRB netID column gets updated to the new institution, which caused problem for RMID logic when trying to update the PI accordingly.
Please add the logic to the eIRB/RMID API, so that PI-related protocol fields (First Name, Last Name, net_id) do not get updated for eIRB protocols under "Completed" state.
. (RMID) API Cronjob Improvements
The RMID cronjob to update data every 4 hours from SPARC, eIRB and coEUS some times stops working without any signs, please:
Better exception handling. So that failures are captured and e-mailed to the development emails and
Optimization: for better efficiency of the updating logic, instead of reseting all the values and start-over every time. Note that based on 9/26 record, the eIRB refresh alone took more than 30 minutes.
Start/completion notifications.
(RMID) Add Visual Indicators for Associated Protocols from Different Systems
1). On the "Associated Protocols" popup modal, please add the "(RMID: 1)" to display the RMID number.
2). Add color legends on the RMID record to indicate whether there are protocols associated, and use different colors to represent different systems.
(RMID) Adding COEUS Project ID
As a prep work for a SPARCRequest new feature: we need to bring in COEUS project ID (SRC_ORSP_AWARD_DETAILS.ACCOUNT NUMBER) into the protocols table, as one of the fields usable for RMID/SPARC API.
(RMID) Missing net_id in primary_pis
There were previous Null values for the primary_pis.net_id and email columns.This data issue bug has since been resolved.
(RMID) Different Users with Same NetID Bug
There are 30 couples of users in RMID currently have the same NetID (see attached), which shouldn't be possible.
Query used:
select *
from users users1
join users users2
on users1.`net_id` = users2.`net_id`
and users1.`id` != users2.`id`
NetID should be unique for each user.
Please look into the cause of the issue for a fix.
(RMID) Repetitive Auditing Issue
It seems that RMID audit trail is recording hundreds of the same entry (updating back and forth) for the same data row. Please look into this and optimize the update and save audit time.For example, when looking into the audit records of RMID 2074 on production, there were 2728 versions of this row of data, and they were updating the same field with the same contents back and forth.(RMID)
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