Research Master ID New Features and Bug Fixes (version 1.2.5)
1. (RMID/eIRB API) Updated eIRB Connection Configuration and Refresh Schedule The RMID/eIRB API configurations on both the production and staging sites have been updated to coincide with the recently updated eIRB server settings. With the upgraded eIRB database, it is now possible to get fresh data more frequently without slowing down systems. In this release, the RMID/eIRB API refreshing schedule has been updated to be every hour (7:05, 8:05, etc2. (RMID) ) , in order to shorten the reaction time. This change in refresh schedule will result in more timely updates reflecting eIRB changes.Visual Indicators Added for Associated Protocols from Different Systems
In this release, visual indicators have been added to better represent the association of protocols from different systems to the Research Master record:
- Color legends have been added to indicate whether there are protocols associated, and the different colors represent different systems, blue for SPARCRequest, green for eIRB, and red for COEUS.
- The same color legends are also displayed next to the corresponding protocol types after the user clicks on the RMID record and enters the "Associated Protocols" popup window.
- The "Associated Protocols" popup window now also displays the RMID number associated in the title. (i.e. "RMID: 1")
32. (RMID) Additional eIRB Fields Added in Backend
In this release, the three eIRB dates (Initial eIRB Approval Date, Current eIRB Approval Date, eIRB Expiration Date), besides Pro#, are now pulled into the RMID backend and exposed via the RMID API. These fields were added in order to be shared back to auto-fill SPARCRequest.
43. (RMID) Holding PI Holding PI Information for Completed eIRB Studies
In this release, use cases have been discussed by RMID stakeholders for when a PI moves to a new institution. The PI move was causing issues with caused issues updating eIRB profiles for studies that have already been were already completed. In this release, logic has been added was added to the eIRB/RMID API, so that PI-related fields (First Name, Last Name, net_id) do not get updated are not updated for eIRB protocols under "Completed" state. There was This was done to keep integrity the integrity of user data, since eIRB PI updates the RMID PI, which is linked with MUSC identity management systems and are restricted to MUSC employees (with their email and netID).
4. (RMID/eIRB API) Updated eIRB Connection Configuration and Refresh Schedule
The RMID/eIRB API configurations on both the production and staging sites have been updated to coincide with the recently updated eIRB server settings.
With the upgraded eIRB database, it is now possible to get fresh data more frequently without slowing down systems. From this release, the RMID/eIRB API is scheduled to update every hour (7:05, 8:05, etc), in order to shorten the reaction time. By changing the update schedule, the RMID system will better reflect the eIRB updates.
5. (RMID) COEUS Project ID Added to RMID/COEUS API
The project ID field from COEUS (i.e. the UDAK "Project Key") has been added to the RMID/COEUS API to be brought into the update the RMID backend. This was done as preparation work to be able to preparation to display this information to frontend users, and auto-fill the (partial) UDAK number in SPARCRequest in the future.
6. (RMID) Improved API Performance and Status Notification Mechanism
To better observe the API status between RMID and other connected systems, the following Improvements improvements have been made to the hourly refresh job from RMID to SPARC, eIRB and coEUS COEUS systems:
1). Exception handling to capture failures and real-time notification to the development team;
2). Optimization for better efficiency of the protocol association and PI update logic;
3). Start and completion notifications have been added (on the development Slack channel for development team).
7. (RMID) PRISM API Integration and Auto-pull and Fill fill PI Affiliation
Now that we have prism data, and have mapped the department information from that to the PIs (#157295586), please:
1). Department
The Provost Information System (PRISM) is the database managed by MUSC provost office for all MUSC investigators, and is the record-of-truth system for the PI's main appointment department. In order to pull the department information directly from the source and auto-fill for users who are in that system for more accurate affiliations, we have established the RMID/PRISM API to pull in department information when a PI is searched and chosen for an RMID record.
- When a user creates or edits a Research Master record and
- chooses a PI from the search results, and that PI exists in
- PRISM, his/her affiliated department is now auto-filled, and the field become disabled (non-editable).
- When a user creates or edits a Research Master record and fills out the PI, and that PI does not exist in
5. (RMID) Research_masters. department Migration to Users Table
The pi_department information that's currently stored in the research_masters table, could we integrate that into the users table as well, or reference out to the existing departments table?
Department (affiliation) logically is tied with the user.
Note that this is also part of preparation for us to unify the department fields for each user to get ready for using a single source in the future (from PRISM or else).
8. (RMID) Missing net_id in primary_pis
There were previous Null values for the primary_pis.net_id and email columns.This data issue bug has since been resolved.
9. (RMID) Different Users with Same NetID Bug
There was a previous bug that allowed a few users in RMID to have the same NetID- PRISM, the department field is still editable to allow manual entry.
8. (RMID) Storing PRISM Department Information on RMID Users
With the newly established RMID/PRISM API, we are now pulling and storing the department information (if it exists) with the logged-in RMID user through the API, for future reporting purposes. Furthermore, we are working on migrating/cleaning up previously manually entered PI department information in RMID according to PRISM data in the next release.
9. (RMID) Duplicated NetID Bug Fix
There was a previous bug that stored the same NetID for a dozen pairs of users in RMID. This bug has since been fixed and all NetID's are truly unique again.
1011. (RMID) Repetitive Auditing Entries Bug Fix
The The RMID audit trail was previously recording hundreds of the same entries for the same data row because of flawed logic. In this production, bug the bug has been fixed.