Versions Compared


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The NCT# and IRB initial approval and expiration dates entered into SPARC in study details are also pushed into EPIC (see Figure 4).



Specific terms in SPARCRequest that match with the ones in Epic are listed below.


To use the SPARC-EPIC Interface, services should be set up accordingly:

  • Within SPARCCatalog for the service:

    • Epic ‘tag’ is chosen in ‘General Information'

    • Corresponding ID or code is entered and ‘Send to Epic’ is On in ‘Epic Interface’

  • Protocols (records) should indicate ‘Publish to Epic' on the study ‘Confidentiality and Epic Questions’ section, with an Epic-enabled service included on a service request.

  • EPIC Users: when adding or editing authorized users on studies chosen to be pushed to Epic, there is an "Epic EMR Access" choice that authorizes whether a user should have access to Epic (Figure 5). This field is interfaced with Epic real-time, and only allows the choice of "Yes" when the user has a valid EMP record in Epic.  In addition, a warning message will display under the Authorized Users tab in SPARCDashboard when a protocol is chosen to be sent to Epic, but the PI does not have Epic access (a common use case is when a PI has not completed the required Epic training to have this right) (Figure 6).

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Figure 6

When the protocols are “Submitted” in SPARCRequest by users, they are then sent to an Epic Queue in SPARCDashboard:


Epic Queue Function (from SPARCDashboard)

In SPARCDashboard, authorized service providers are able to see the “Epic Queue” button (Figure


7), which will allow them to check what studies are in the process of being pushed to Epic.





Epic Queue Page

  • Once the user clicks the "Epic Queue" button, there are 3 tabs on the page displayed:Current, Past, and Protocol Update tabs.

  • Figure 6 shows 8 shows the "Current" tab, where the current queued protocols are listed and waiting to be pushed to Epic.

    • Protocols are sent into the "Current" tab when new clinical services are added or changed in the study calendar. 

    • These queued protocols can be pushed or deleted from the queue, and there are URLs linking back to the individual protocols in SPARCDashboard. 

    • If there are also no SPARC authorized users change, the protocol must be pushed from the "Current" tab to update EPIC, which will be an immediate update.










Figure 7


rights have been updated for a protocol that have already been pushed to Epic successfully before, that protocol information message will automatically be queued and sent to Epic on the same day at 5 pm. These type of protocols are listed on the "Protocol Update" tab (Figure 9), with detailed information and URL linking back to SPARCDashboard.





  • Previously pushed protocols are listed in the "Past" tab, showing the detailed information about the previous Epic pushes that happened to the protocols, such as PI, last queued date, status, source of the push, and by whom.

    • On the "Past" tab, users can also attach notes to an Epic push with corresponding information if desired (Figure 10). 

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Epic Pushes

There are three types of Epic pushes:

  • Overlord Push, Protocol Update and Admin Push. The Overlord Push is push - from the Epic Queue page , Admin Push are the ones done from (Figure 11)

epic overlord push.pngImage Added

  • Admin Push - completed within SPARCDashboard Admin Edit section , and (Figure 12)

epic admin 2 push.pngImage Added

  • Protocol Update are the - automatic protocol information update pushes triggered by user updates (Figure 913).


Figure 9

  • On the "Past" tab, users can also attach notes to an Epic push with corresponding information if desired (Figure 10). 


Figure 13

Technical Specs