SPARCRequest Terms | Epic Terms |
Protocol Information | General Information |
Protocol Title | Study Name (I RSH .2) |
PRO # (IRB #) | IRB Approval Number (I RSH 105) |
Initial IRB Approval Date | Approval Date (I RSH 106) |
IRB Expiration Date | Expiration Date (I RSH 107) |
NCT# | NCT # (I RSH 181) |
Protocol ID | Study Code (I RSH 100) |
Reporting Groupers | |
Funding Source | Report Grouper - Category List 1 (I RSH 3001) |
Study Type generated from SPARC Epic boxIDE, HUD, and HDE# (under Investigational Products)Research Master ID (RMID) | Report Grouper - Category List 3 (I RSH 3011)Report Grouper - Free-Text 2 (I RSH 3002)Report Grouper -Free-Text 3 (I RSH 3003) |
Role | Study Users (role_code) |
Primary PI | Principal Investigator (I RSH 130) (SER needed) |
PI/PD; Co-Investigator; Staff Scientist; Postdoctoral scholar, Fellow, or other Postdoctoral Position; Technician | Other providers (I RSH 140) (SER needed) |
Research Nurse | Nurses (I RSH 150) (SER needed) |
Graduate Research Assistant; Undergraduate Research Assistant; Research Assistant/Coordinator; Billing/Business Manager | Study Coordinators (I RSH 110) (no SER needed; EMP only) |
Faculty Collaborator; Consultant; Mentor; General Access User; Other | Research Contacts (I RSH 120) (no SER needed; EMP only) |
Visit Calendar (Billing Information) | Study Calendar |
ARM | Protocol (I PRL .2) |
Visit | Visit (CYCLE) (I PRL 200) |
Day | Day (CTTEVENT) (I PRL 400) |
Window | Research tolerance (I PRL 470 [minus], I PRL 480 [plus]) |
Service | Component (I PRL 41005) |
Research/Third Party Payer (R/T) | Modifier (I PRL 41007) |
Epic Questions | STUDYTYPE |
Answers to Epic Questions 1 to 5, Logic-driven | Study Type (I RSH115) |
*Principal investigator, Other other providers, and Nurses need to have the corresponding “provider’s record” if he/she has been selected to have EMR access.
Criteria for SPARC Services Using Epic
To use the SPARC-EPIC Interface, services should be set up accordingly:
Within SPARCCatalog for the service:
Epic ‘tag’ is chosen in ‘General Information'
Corresponding ID or code is entered and ‘Send to Epic’ is On in ‘Epic Interface’
Protocols (records) that should indicate ‘Publish to Epic' with an Epic-enabled service included on a service request. When the protocols are “Submitted” in SPARCRequest by users, they are then sent to an Epic Queue in SPARCRequestSPARCDashboard;
If the Epic queue configuration is turned on, the protocols that are interfaced to Epic are sent automatically in a batch mode on daily basis; If the Epic queue configuration is turned off, the protocols are queued and have to be pushed manually by system identified users.
Authorized users can view, send or delete the protocols in the SPARC/Epic queue with the functions described below.
Epic Queue Function (from SPARCDashboard)
In SPARCDashboard, authorized service providers are able to see the “Epic Queue” button (Figure 5), which will allow them to check what studies are in the process of being pushed to Epic.
Figure 5
Epic Queue Page
Once the user clicks the "Epic Queue" button, there are 3 tabs on the page displayed: Current, Past, and Protocol Update tabs.
Figure 6 shows the "Current" tab, where the current queued protocols are listed and waiting to be pushed to Epic. Protocols are sent into the "Current" tab when new clinical services are added or changed in the study calendar. These queued protocols can be pushed or deleted from the queue, and there are URLs linking back to the individual protocols in SPARCDashboard. If there are also no SPARC authorized users change, the protocol must be pushed from the "Current" tab to update EPIC, which will be an immediate update.