SPARCRequest Version 3.11.0 New Features
1. (SPARCRequest) Disable SPARC modules opening in new browser window
Previously, when users clicked on different SPARC modules, the module would open in a new tab. This would eventually cause problems for users because there would be dozens of tabs open, making it difficult to work. In this release, we disabled the automatic “open in a new browser tab” feature for all SPARC modules except SPARCCatalog, SPARCFulfillment, and SPARCInfo.
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2. (SPARCDashboard & SPARCRequest Step 4) Able to Submit Documents Without Uploading Documents
Previously, when users were able to submit documents without adding a document for submission. In this release, the validation has been fixed and users are unable to submit documents without adding a document.
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(SPARCRequest, SPARCDashboard) Documents - Bulk Download and Edit Bugs (LACaTs Contribution)
Previously, an exception error occurred when bulk downloading documents in production. Also another error occurred when trying to open the ‘Edit Document Access’ window popup for editing. In this release, these errors have been fixed and users can now bulk download documents and edit document access effectively.
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(SPARCDashboard) Protocol Merge Error (LACaTs Contribution)
Previously, when conducting merges involving several protocols, we were receiving a exception errors causing the merge not to occur. In this release, we have fixed this bug and users can merge multiple protocols properly.
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. (SPARCDashboard) Coverage Analysis button bug (LACaTs Contribution)
Previously, when users clicked on the Coverage Analysis button and tried generating a Coverage Analysis report, an exception error occurred. In this release, the exception error has been fixed and the Coverage Analysis report is generated when clicking the Coverage Analysis button.
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(SPARCReport) Add Requester Column to Service Request Report
In this release, we have included a ‘Requester’ column to the Service Request report in SPARCReport.
(SPARCReport) Add Optional Services Column On Service Requests Report (LACaTs Contribution)
Previously, there was no built-in report that would allow providers to see the specific services requested/provided for the protocol and request. In this release, on the Service Pricing report filters, we have added a new option called “Show Service List”, for users to choose. When the new option is selected, a new “Services” column will show up with the comma-delineated service name(s) included.
(SPARCReport) Add Funding Status to Protocols report
In this release, we have added a Funding Status column to the Protocols report
List of Programming Changes with Links to GitHub
SPARCRequest v3.11.0
Visit linked version above.