MUSC | Leila Forney, Brigette White, Prathik Harikrishnan, Rechelle Paranal; Royce Sampson | |
Case Western |
| |
Children’s National |
| |
Iowa | ||
LA CaTS | Brian Melancon | |
OHSU | Imogen Bentley, Kitt Swartz | |
Stony Brook |
SPARCCatalog And SPARC Admin - service appears in program in UI after being moved to Core in Catalog (https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/183344623) - Kitt/Imogen Update
Kitt Swartz will work with Leila to provide updated language for the Split/Notify Documentation - Action Item
Add Suggested to add a Warning for user when they create a split/notify below another split/notify - Action Items
For Review
(SPARCAdmin) Add Export ButtonMembers will receive an email of stories that need to be reviewed
3.10.1 SPARCRequest & SPARCDashboard Released (01/26/2023). Github release anticipated 02/0910/2023).
SPARCFulfillment Release - tentative 3/16/2023
SPARC 3.11.0 Release
SPARCCatalog And SPARC Admin - service appears in program in UI after being moved to Core in Catalog- date TBD
(SPARCReport) OS Community Customized Reports - institutions can add your reports info on this story
Institutional Updates
Iowa ~
OHSU ~ meeting agenda topic. Brigette received Kitt’s mock up of a user permission report
Stony Brook ~