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How-To-Guide for research teams and service providers in requesting additional services on an existing, active SPARC protocol. Requires MUSC login credentials.

Primary Method

Use this method if you already have access to the study and services have previously been submitted. If you aren’t a part of the study, you will have to Request Access on the SPARCDashboard page. If you already have access but no services have been submitted, use the Secondary Method described later in this document.

Step 1: Access Find Protocol from SPARCDashboard


Step 2: Scroll down to the “Request - Submitted” Table in the Protocol


Step 3: Click & Click the Requests Button located in the Requests Column.


Step 2: Click the “+ Add/Modify Requests” Button


button in the pop up


Step 43: Complete SPARCRequest Steps 1-4 to Add New Services to the Protocol


Step 54: Review & Submit the Request in SPARCRequest Step 5


Step 65: Complete the Survey (optional)


Step 76: Select the New or Updated Services you want to Submit and Click Submit


Step 87: Go to Protocol in SPARCDashboard to Double Check your Request if it was Submitted


Secondary Method

This method is helpful when needing to update or view study details, calendars, pricing or reports in addition to adding services. It must also be used if there are not previously submitted SPARCRequest services.

Step 1: Find the protocol Access Protocol from SPARCDashboard


Step 2: Click the Requests Button located in the Requests Column (This only works if you are part of the study or services have previously submitted)


Scroll down to the “Request - Submitted” Table in the Protocol


Step 3: Click the “+ Add/Modify Requests” button in the pop up




Step 4: Complete SPARCRequest Steps 1-5 4 to Add New Services and Re-Submit you Protocolto the Protocol


Step 5: Review & Submit the Request in SPARCRequest Step 5


Step 6: Complete the Survey (optional)


Step 7: Select the New or Updated Services you want to Submit and Click Submit


Step 8: Go to Protocol in SPARCDashboard to Double Check your Request if it was Submitted
