Release Date: May 9, 2018
Research Master ID Site New Features and Bug Fixes (v1.2.0)
1. (SPARC API/RMID) Upgrade to Ruby on Rails 5.1.5
In our latest production, the framework has been updated to Ruby on Rails 5.1.5, for maintenance and better performance.
2. (SPARC API) Remove Custom DB connection
The SPARC API previously had its own database, but now pulls data directly from SPARC production to improve accuracy.
(RMID) Audit Trail
An audit trail has been added to the RMID application to enable tracking of creation, updates, and destroys, by both users and API's.
(RMID) Protocol Method Logic Update (Wenjun??)
Previously there were scenarios where the PI name displayed for protocols in RMID back-end was different from the current PI name shown in SPARC, or eIRB. The protocol update method has been revamped to compare every protocol-level field and then determine whether an update to the protocol record is needed.
(RMID) RMID PI Update from eIRB Validation Sending Email
Primary PI-associated data (Name and netID) that has been validated in the eIRB record is now being used to update the PI-associated data within RMID. When a RMID record has been updated an email notification is sent to the RMID creator, the previous PI and the new PI, and logged-in admin user as a default sender The "Notification" button allows the admin user to type in the message to be emailed to the users.
(insert notificationscreenshot)